Advocacy For Homeless Drawing Attention To Mortgage Fraud Documentary
During the past two years, our team at Five Points Media has become extremely well known as the voice of the homeless or unsheltered community. Our reputation for defending their rights is not only local, but well known across the country, and this week we learned that two organizations representing labour, both locally and on a larger scale, have chosen us for a sizable financial donation to continue standing up for the weakest and most undefended sector of our population.
Sadly, the fastest growing demographic of the homeless community is seniors, and many of them signed up for a CHIP or other reverse mortgage.
Yesterday, our Producer volunteer as an advocate for a senior couple, Doug and Linda, who are living in a tent in a public park and want simply to have a home so Linda can receive treatment for various medical issues. After that, the fifty-nine-year-old physically assisted for six hours in moving an encampment that was being evicted from private property. We also provided a safe place where they could store their meagre possessions.
Our documentary is exposing how seniors and veterans are being swindled of their life savings by unscrupulous mortgage brokers and lenders.

Photo and names publish with consent - View original post
Our advocacy has drawn a lot of attention from mainstream media, especially as we are now openly challenging Alex Nuttall, the Mayor of Barrie who was first to sign the letter to our college dropout Premier, Doug Ford, seeking to bypass the Charter of Rights and Freedoms through an abuse of the genuine intent of the notwithstanding clause. The mayors who signed that letter all appear to see 'death by exposure' as a legitimate option to 'resolve' the growing unsheltered crisis. As a result of an upcoming trial, to which Mayor Nuttall and some other members of City Council will be summonsed along with incriminating documentation, we have been asked to speak on the issue of homelessness by various mainstream media outside of his influence. We are accepting those offers, including for live programming, and the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, and the boards of directors of their past allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank can be assured to hear their names and the address of our website being discussed in depth on one or more major networks.
It is almost two and a half years since we first reported on the crimes committed by these corrupt corporations, and still all they can do is hide in the dark while we cast a light on their criminal and ethical abuses of trust.
People know who is telling the truth simply by seeing that none of these multi-million and multi-billion-dollar companies has mustered the courage to challenge the claims of our small, not-for-profit, social media community channel that exists to help our community charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups. This very obvious fear of threatening legal action or filing a claim of damages in a court of law flies in the face of all reason, as our tracker data shows that due to our ongoing exposure, HomeEquity Bank is losing upwards of $78 million a year in lost business potential. No business just accepts losses of that kind, unless they are concealing something from their potential clients that they don't want to be made public through civil court action, and it seems quite obvious that they know we know what it is.
Using the updated number of twelve drive-by visits per week, and the same 50% ratio of lost opportunities, which is conservative, the HomeEquity Bank experiences a loss of opportunity, valued at $250,000.00 in potential income over a ten-year period, every time a visitor to this story chooses to buy into another option that is not a CHIP Reverse Mortgage. That adds up to $1,500,000.00 per week, or $78,000,000.00 per year. In the case of HomeEquity Bank, the lost sales, valued at $213,693.63 per day, are not restricted to those generated by Verico the Mortgage Station. People are frequently visiting our pages looking for information about HomeEquity Bank and the CHIP Reverse Mortgage, and they are coming from every province in Canada. That will only get worse when we launch our social media campaign focused on major population centres across the country. That will be launched soon, when the weather cools consistently, and more people are spending time on social media.Verico the Mortgage Station was, just two years ago, a successful and growing mortgage brokerage with plans for expansion. However, now it is bleeding staff, converting offices meant for an expansion into apartments for cashflow, and they are selling their newly built custom office space. No innocent business would allow itself to be destroyed, and they would be eager to defend their 'good' name. Recently, we have seen repeated visits from Aliston to our page "A Question of Character - Verico the Mortgage Station" in which we review our Producer's documented commitment to community, compared to the tactics of fraud by usury undertaken by Renee Dadswell with the assistance of Lisa Purchase and the admitted knowledge of David Flude, who have all admitted to defrauding their senior and veteran clientele. (Renee Dadswell), (Lisa Purchase), (David Flude).
Is the Principal Broker at Verico the Mortgage Station doing some soul searching or accepting the wrongness of his ways, or is that about as likely as successfully milking a turnip?
The same can be asked about both Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank, who despite being multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations have done NOTHING to refute our defend against our allegations. That same argument extends to the South Simcoe Police Service and the County of Simcoe, who have refused to respond to our allegations of evidence omission and falsification, a blatantly biased investigation, and what appears to be kickback fuelled special favours for the one time multi-million-dollar-a-year brokers who the County Councillors are no doubt failing to return calls as they work to avoid being pulled into the fire sale of the business that once held so much influence. It seems likely that our ongoing and well-established history of contributions to our community, regardless of who or why they are requiring assistance, is what is holding back the lawyers. Showing us as anything but benevolent, and the brokers, branders, and bankers as being anything but unscrupulous liars, manipulators, con-artists, and loan sharks, would be a hard task to say the least.
Our fully supported reporting and our dedication to our community are steering potential clients away from the liars of Verico the Mortgage Station, and their past allies at Verico Financial Group and HomeEquity Bank.
Currently, those with a vested interest in this story seem incapable of doing anything else but peruse the content of all three of our websites, 24 hours a day in some cases, apparently seeking to find something they can use to try to silence our reporting of their criminal and ethical breaches of trust. Meanwhile, we are working now with our friends in advocacy for the homeless and those in the labour movement to expose the facts of this story to all of their members, and the general public. The organizations and key leaders of each are also all being added to a bulk message system so they can become directly involved when we release the social media posts, and where, during late November or early December. In some cases, we can expect a few thousand union and advocacy associates to like, share, or react to the post, especially when it is shared on the social media accounts of their organization. Simply put, while they hide, we expose the truth to every senior and veteran we can reach.
The corrupt corporation that defrauded their senior and veteran clientele and those who helped to cover up the crime, may need to hide, but we are pushing this matter into the light where the evidence speaks for itself.
Senior couples like Doug and Linda do not deserve to be forced to live through winter in a tent, especially when they have done nothing to cause the harm that has fallen upon them. Our allies feel likewise, and they are eager to finance our efforts, to help us with any legal fees, and to push our story out to members, media, and the general public. The brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, and their apparent now former collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank all apparently thought we would just give up and go away, but clearly, they did not understand our commitment to helping those in need, which definitely includes the senior and veteran clientele they defraud through usury and likely other means of skimming and shilling.
Below are the articles we posted regarding our advocacy for the homeless community in Barrie. We have also provided links to the original stories.
Original post: November 22, 2024 @ 9:30 am
We would like to introduce you to Doug and Linda. Their picture and names are published with consent.
Yesterday, as a journalist for Five Points Media, and as an advocate for Ryan's Hope, and as an active member of the Barrie Encampment Support Network, I travelled to an encampment in Barrie to advocate for housing for this couple who are currently homeless.
Contrary to the image of the unsheltered community, as manufactured by the office of Mayor Alex Nuttall, and some people who have never visited an encampment or interacted with the people they scorn, this couple have a long history of working and contributing to society. In their case, it is medical issues and the impossibility of living on the level of support provided by the ODSP that are the main reasons why they are living now in a tent in a park. You don't want them there, and they don't want to be there.
Both Doug and Linda are in their mid-fifties, and both suffer from multiple medical issues and injuries. Linda's leg was broken more than two years ago, and despite repeated attempts by the couple and advocates to get them help, the professionals of our medical system cannot fix it until she is housed. So, for now, she uses a walker, and is in extreme pain, living in a tent during the extreme cold of winter. We challenge anybody to tell us why they 'deserve' to be living at this level of mere existence.
Doug was a concrete and mason worker who due to the physical demands of his work suffers from multiple injuries. He has also been attacked multiple times since becoming homeless and has suffered multiple stab wounds and other significant harm while being singularly responsible for caring for and protecting his injured wife.
Yesterday, the purpose of my visit was to deliver a letter of medical assessment from a doctor who has recently joined our community of advocates, and to speak with representatives from Elizabeth Fry Society Simcoe Muskoka, who have recently been granted a small number of rooms in a downtown hotel specifically for couples.
Due to Linda's mobility issues, we all had to reluctantly agree that perhaps the third-floor accommodations were not ideal for this couple, as forty steps with a walker would be daunting, and evacuation would be life-threatening in the case of a fire etc. However, the medical letter and our conversation spurred discussion about other possible options, which the advocates are going to dig deeper into to see what they can find a solution.
We also motivated support by letting the advocates know we will be following up on this story, hopefully to a happy ending.
This is how community works, but it should not be the responsibility of taxpayers rather than elected officials who are paid well to deal with the issues of The City of Barrie. While we need to help each other, we need to push Mayor Alex Nuttall and those in Council to do the right thing and stop attacking these victims of greed, poor health, insufficient funding, and government failures. This couple could easily be 'you' or 'us', and if you believe otherwise, you are choosing to ignore the threat we share.
We will be updating this story as it develops.
John Ironside, Five Points Media
Original post: November 22, 2024 @ 12:30 am
Yesterday, at an encampment across the street from 80 Bradford St., officers of the Barrie Police Service were called upon to evict yet another community of Canadian victims of greed and government incompetence, this one located on private property. This piece of scrub land sits abandoned and uncared-for. There is little doubt it will be developed into housing, most likely more expensive condos, but for now it is simply an open field with isolated patches of forest and is in no way being harmed by the encampments using it so people can stay alive. The encampments have been there for at least six months without incident.
This time, the officers were much more compliant and willing to work with us in a negotiated fashion. This is likely due to our exposure of abuses of authority at Berczy Park, where I was arrested as a journalist for wanting to record very obvious acts of bribery, and also transparent violations of Section 7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and defiance by City Hall of the January 27, 2023 ruling of Justice Michael J Valente, SUPERIOR COURT OF JUSTICE - COURT FILE NO.: CV-22-717 that can be downloaded from here.
We are currently researching as yet unconfirmed allegations that the office of Mayor Alex Nuttall is leveraging pressure against landowners who show compassion to our unsheltered community by allowing them to stay on their private land. These unconfirmed claims have now been made with regard to both the Berzcy Park encampment, and now this one. In both cases, those living in the refugee community had been there for many months, with either direct or inferred consent, and were then evicted after the landowner was somehow motivated to become as heartless and lacking in compassion as our Mayor and Council.
We don't know where all the occupants of this encampment moved to, but unfortunately for Mayor Alex Nuttall and those minions of Council who grovel at his feet, there is no magic wand to make them all just go away. The bulk of these people will now be moving into your backyard, as you are not likely friends of those who are crashing and burning our city through thoughtless actions that will have long-term and ultimately expensive repercussions.
We have on good authority that it was the occupants of the wealthy condos shown in the Google Earth image who complained frequently about the three encampments, shown as 01. 02. and 03. We have also been advised, as yet unconfirmed, that Mayor Alex Nuttall may have a vested interest in a local building that is currently for sale. We are working on confirming those claims, as clearly the presence of an encampment could affect the value of such an investment. If this claim proves true, we will be demanding an investigation by the Ethics Commission of The City of Barrie, as if true, this action, if coerced, would be a gross violation of trust and authority.
Such a discovery, if true, would also be reminiscent of the abuse of authority at Berzcy Park, which was initiated based on the constant complaints of a local woman who immediately put her house up for sale as soon as the encampment there was mostly evicted. That act, undertaken through the orders of Mayor Alex Nuttall, enabled the woman to increase the value of the house from $1 million to three times that amount. Resources of The City of Barrie are not meant to be used to assist somebody to increase their own personal wealth.
One of the residents of the Bradford Steet encampment is a key street outreach advocate for Ryan's Hope, and also an important member of the Barrie Encampment Support Network. More importantly, he is our friend. We directly assisted him, his partner, and another community liaison to find safe shelter in a place where Mayor Alex Nuttall and his minions of Barrie Bylaw cannot attack them further. Our imperious leader is not going to like where they are setting up, but his actions are leaving few if any other options.
The movement of the encampment was only possible due to assistance from members of advocacy groups in the County of Simcoe, assistance in the form of sandwiches for the homeless occupants from the Busby Centre, professional services by the Simcoe County Paramedics of OPSEU Local 303, and most importantly, Raquel Desiree Reid from Friends Helping Friends, who jumped to our aid with a commercial sized van which made it possible to ensure our friends could keep most of what little they own. Raquel, who has experienced homelessness, was a true angel during our time of need.
John Ironside, Five Points Media