Learning That Denial is Not a Defence - Verico the Mortgage Station
It was more than eight months ago when David Flude lamely tried to 'serve' upon our Producer a legally unsupportable and pathetic attempt at intimidation disguised as a do-it-yourself 'Notice under the Liable and Slander Act' regarding our fully supported allegations of lies, manipulation, and loan sharking. Not only did the Principal Broker of Verico the Mortgage Station neglect to retain council to send the huff, puff, and bluff best bid at bullying, he sent his bluster and blather anonymously through a generic email address. Then, based on our fully supported push back reply, David Flude turned tail and ran away from ever filing his pompous prognostications with any court.
That seems to be when he learned that threats of civil action only work against those who are doing wrong.
This was clarified by a statement by the Principal Broker of Verico the Mortgage Station who stated in that document: ". . . at least consider those who have helped you - do they really need to answer for their actions in court?" This Trumpian attitude of 'the law does not apply to us ' has been prevalent throughout the past two years, ever since David Flude was first confronted with the crimes of his brokers, and now it seems those around him who had coddled his ego might finally be saying enough is enough, and that he needs to accept responsibility, preferably before all of Rome burns.

We have only reported the facts of the crimes of the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, and the cover up and collaboration by Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank.
The self-ingratiating statement "the damage you have caused" is quite revealing, as the brokers are the ones who charged an illegal 198.25% of interest and fees to senior and veteran clientele and then hid for two years.
David Flude's arrogance extends to a self-serving determination that he can simply hide from his own crimes and those of his brokers after overseeing loan sharking from senior and veteran clientele, and then 'motivate' local police to omit key evidence and manufacture falsify figures to grant them a free get out of jail free card on an indictable offence, and then deliberate hide from their criminal offences are all components of the indictable offence of Fraudulent Concealment, found under Section 341 of the Criminal Code of Canada, which is punishable by a prison sentence of not more than two years.The Criminal Code of Canada, Section 341 - Fraudulent concealment states:
341 Every person who, for a fraudulent purpose, takes, obtains, removes or conceals anything is guilty of
- an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years; or
- an offence punishable on summary conviction.
When he received the complaint of loan sharking, David Flude was legally obligated by the Criminal Code of Canada and the 'regulatory requirements' of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). Instead, he responded by lying six times in two emails (Email 1) (Email 2) to evade investigation. Then he refused to do anything and stonewalled any idea of an investigation. In an email dated May 29, 2022, in which he told his client nobody from his brokerage would accept their responsibility under 'regulatory requirements' to administer any investigation, this 'ethical financial professional' even 'justified' the uncontested illegal lending rate of 198.25% in interest and fees by stating:
"3) This short term loan provided to assist you in making your previous mortgage payment obligation, in my opinion was a generous and helpful deal."
The Criminal Code of Canada, Section 347 - Usury (Loan Sharking) states:
347 (1) Despite any other Act of Parliament, every one who enters into an agreement or arrangement to receive interest at a criminal rate, or receives a payment or partial payment of interest at a criminal rate, is:
- guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
- guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine of not more than $25,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day, or to both.
Within the lame threats, David Flude noted:
"This posted story also demonstrates your efforts to get broad exposure while contacting 20 different banks. Clearly this isn't standard procedure for news outlets. Your claims of increased exposure only increases the damage you have caused and thereby increases your liabilities. It is noted in this story that you are claiming to have reached 750,000 people."
Investigative journalists do whatever is required that is legal to dig up all the facts, which includes reaching out to all potential sources of information as we have done multiple times during the reporting of this story.
All we have ever done since June 18, 2022, for more than two years, is to report, completely unchallenged, on the criminal and ethical violations of trust committed by the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, and also the cover up and collaboration undertaken by the boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. That is not a 'vendetta' as David Flude as claimed in his 'threat' of litigation but is a desire for justice. David Flude has made no attempt to apologise, or to refund the money stolen by his brokers, or to admit to wrongdoing, yet according to his 'the law does not apply to me' philosophy, we, the victims, are being vindictive by hold him to the law, to his 'regulatory requirements' under the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), which is the agency that provides him with his license, and is supposed to be ensuring he does not defraud clients like he did with our Producer , who is simply holding him accountable.
Those about whom we have been reporting have always been in control, and they have brought upon themselves every harm afflicted upon them.
It is likely that it is both the easily proven guilt of criminal abuses by David Flude, Renee Dadswell, and Lisa Purchase, and the Principal Broker's apparent belief that the law does not apply to me' that is causing dozens of presumably ethical lawyers to visit, review, and then run from our website, never to be seen again. Ethical and honest corporations do not have trouble finding a lawyer, and it is only those lawyers who are being asked to abuse the law, such as through the authoring and filing of a reprehensible and Supreme Court scorned Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit who will refuse to represent the corrupt corporation's interests by filing abusive litigation.
All levels of this story display great trepidation about filing litigation under any pretence, as they know they will be subpoenaed to testify, and to defend criminal abuses committed against senior and veteran clientele.
It could be that Lisa Purchase abandoned ship at Verico the Mortgage Station in her own best interests, or perhaps all the lies, misrepresentation, and fraud were just too much for her. She could also have felt reason to leave based on the deterioration of the situation, as there has been a big power change with the introduction of Katherine Dudtschak who took over as President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank. If that bank pulls their products, such as the CHIP Reverse Mortgage out of Verico the Mortgage Station or possibly all Verico Financial Group Inc., the resulting financial harm could be catastrophic for the small brokerage located in the back streets of Simcoe County.
We know from David Flude's statements, that our ethical decision to warn the public of fraud is hurting the bottom line of Verico the Mortgage Station, and likely their multi-million and multi-billion-dollar allies, so why will none of them sue our small, not for profit, community media service, or file for injunctive relief?
It seems now more likely that David Flude metaphorically threw Lisa Purchase under the bus, possibly using her as a scapegoat to be blamed for all the brokerage's criminal and ethical breaches of trust so David Flude can protect himself and Renee Dadswell, who are in fact the people truly the most responsible for the loan sharking and fraud. We may never know, and it really doesn't matter. Lisa Purchase had been with the team long enough to warrant the trust of Renee Dadswell when it came to setting up her mark for loan sharking, and David Flude frequently posted her accolades whenever she won an award or exceeded expectations in some professional capacity. Lisa Purchase was also far from the bottom of the totem pole of brokers and agents at Verico the Mortgage Station. Her sudden departure, which failed to generate a single supportive or sign of good will from either side, was likely the result of pressure from above, such as from Katherine Dudtschak, the new President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank, who currently has no direct part in our ongoing reporting in support of our expose documentary and has chosen to include herself by perpetuating the criminal cover up of the indictable offences, as per section 341 of the Criminal Code of Canada - Section 341 - Fraudulent Concealment. Katherine Dudtschak is also quite visible on Google and the other search engines regarding her connection to this story, which seem likely to be very unpopular with her, given her carefully crafted public persona as a leader regarding social issues.David Flude's vacuous threat of litigation and injunctive relief was an embarrassing display of insecurity, but the idea of backstabbing a loyal broker and abandoning her to cover his own crimes is beneath contempt.
We believe, however, that the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporate allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank are maybe starting to understand the harm they are doing to themselves, and the position into which they have jammed themselves. We have directly challenged them to take legal action, and to try to silence our truthful and fully supported reporting. Instead, they have hidden. They have instead, tried to silence our reporting through legally unsupported attempts at censorship, and by refusing to reply to correspondence. They have been seen by clients to have hidden for more than two years, and hey have never contested or refuted a single word we have reported. After two years, that reporting becomes canon, and is accepted by the court at par value. Now these corporations that are all dependent on image face a fully supported human rights complaint regarding elder fraud, and likely further investigation by the RCMP, and videos being posted in Canada's high population regions. Worst of all, we now enjoy almost instantaneous postings on page one of Google and the other search engines, meaning more of those we are working to warn will know to stay away from all three of these corrupt corporations.
It is due to their own corruption that these 'ethical financial professionals' have lost credibility and respect within their industries, as competitors are following our reporting, as are lenders, and most importantly clients.
Now they have been reduced to sending minions to review the content of our various websites, scrutinizing our philanthropic activities, trying to find something . . . anything they think they can use against us. They then take that information to meetings where they discuss, surmise, plan, and plot, only to learn it is not illegal to make a donated community video about a non-criminal biker club to raise money for Autism, and that pole fitness is neither illegal or immoral, but a source of empowerment for many women. This is honestly how far these once trusted and respected professionals have fallen. Meanwhile, as they fumble and stumble around a world of altruism that they simply do not understand, their reputations are crumbling more today than yesterday, and to a greater degree tomorrow. One day a light bulb will go on, and one of them will realise that hiding has done nothing during the past two years than make this story bigger and known to more people, and they will realise that they have to explain themselves to us on camera, or further embarrass themselves by trying, and ultimately failing, to abuse our civil court system.
It is not we who control their destiny, level of income, and profits as we are nothing but the eyes and ears standing at the sides of the action making notes and sharing them with the public.