TD Bank Guilty Plea For Money Laundering In The United States Is Inspiring Interest In Our Story
Our primary studio.

Verico the Mortgage Station

Loan Sharks Defrauding Seniors in Simcoe County Now Hiding Behind a Wall of Lies and Deception.

A documentary in production for broadcast and streaming

Five Points Media is a provincially registered media company and community channel.
Studio: 705-828-5605 ~ Production: 416-996-2786 ~ Email

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Our reports and evidence remain 100% uncontested by any identified person.

This 'threat' was sent by an anonymous coward who feared signing their own name.

Why is the HomeEquity Bank, an asset of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), valued at more than $247.5B, working with loan shark mortgage brokers who prey on seniors and veterans, while draining the resources of local charities, and why are they afraid to challenge the evidence and allegations of a small not-for-profit?


  1. Our articles have been online throughout the time shown above; however, we have not received a single challenge to our fully-supported alllegations.
  2. All three brokers who are key to this documentary, David Flude, Lisa Purchase, and Renee Dadswell, have admitted in writing to our allegations.
  3. We have made multiple offers for the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their various corporate allies to explain their side of the story.
  4. Despite our multiple offers of détente, not a single representatives of any of these multi-million and multi-billon dollar companies has stepped up.
  5. We have offerred to cancel this documentary, and to delete all articles and videos, if any of the accused can disprove our claims on camera using evidence.
  6. So far, none of them have shown the courage to stand up and disprove our claims, meaning all of our allegations remain 100 per cent uncontested.
  7. These purportedly 'legitimate' companies, who secretly lie to their clients about us, appear so afraid of our evidence they will not challenge our allegations.
  8. If we were not factual in our reporting, any of those corporations could have attained a cease and desist order or other injunctive relief against us.
  9. Instead, all these wealthy corporations seem willing or able to do is hide in the dark and hope that their clients do not learn the truth.
  10. So far, 97% of comments made online or through emails, direct messaging, etc. have been supportive of our exposure of these criminal acts.
  11. The South Simcoe Police Service is subject to pending investigation after omitting evidence and falsify figures to help the wealthy brokers.
  12. The Producer is 35-year media veteran who has worked as an international television news in places like Bosnia and the Middle East, and as the Deputy Editor of a national European newspaper owned by the Washington Times.
  13. The Producer has also passed on that knowledge and experience by teaching at three community and private colleges in Ontario and British Columbia.
  14. The Producer and crew of this expose documentary represent a not-for-profit community channel that since 2014 has donated more than $700,000.00 worth of services to more than 185 local charities, not-for-profits, benevolent special interests groups, and the towns and villages of Simcoe County.
  15. In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, the Producer and crew were nominated for and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism presented by the City of Barrie and the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce.

TD Bank Guilty Plea For Money Laundering In The United States Is Inspiring Interest In Our Story

Yesterday, Thursday, October 10, 2024, the Toronto Dominion (TD) Bank was hit hard by the US criminal justice system when they agreed to pay a $3 billion dollar fine in response to fully supported allegations by the Department of Justice that claimed the once trusted bank was laundering money for organized crime that was financed by the sale of fentanyl.

In response, traffic to our story surged overnight as our story just kept popping up in the search engines.

We have long predicted that all it will take is the right spark to draw even greater attention to our fully supported and uncontested allegations against the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, the financial branders at Verico Financial Group Inc. and the selectively blind bankers at HomeEquity Bank.

No, we are not comparing the scope of the stories, but we are now attracting a lot of media attention.

This decision will also aid us by generating doubt in the public mind regarding the honesty of banks, which will cause them to do more research before investing in any financial institution.

Often, when a story of this scope is released, mainstream media outlets search for other examples of the same criminal behaviour to puff up the story they have or to scoop other ratings-based media outlets using a story that is more relatable to viewers. Fentanyl fueled gangsters laundering money through the TD Bank is a little outside the life experience of most viewers, but grandma being defrauded by loan sharks with the full knowledge of a Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank that chose to turn a blind eye in the name of profit nicely fits the bill.

Also, while TD tried to defend itself, but Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., and HomeEquity Bank have done NOTHING to denounce our allegations or defend their actions.


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