Industry Professional Reaches Out with Invitations to Contribute to the Conversation
It came as a bit of a surprise yesterday morning, when we logged onto Facebook and found ourselves invited to six different private mortgage funding groups. Our memberships were confirmed this morning. Although anonymous, the invitations were obviously all from the same source, as we had never received such private group invitations before. The invitations were likely from somebody in the mortgage industry, and likely a competitor to Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., or HomeEquity Bank. This fits with our notice yesterday of our content being shared on Facebook. Details are in our article from yesterday, entitled "Plans in Play to Use Social Media to Ensure the Greatest Exposure".
We accepted all six invitations and did a little snooping around, which is where we found our content shared in several places on four of the groups.
The shadowy figure who invited us from anonymity has not identified themself, nor have they made any attempt to contact us. They simply opened a door to places where we could reach thousands of industry professionals to advise them about the criminal and ethical abuses of trust committed by the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. The 'agent' is welcome to reach out to us in confidence.

The invitations provide us with a gateway to reach others in the mortgage industry who can benefit from this story by helping to spread the truth in their own best interests.
Most professionals working within the mortgage industry are ethical and honest, and they do not respect the shady dealers, the defrauders, and the loan sharks who bring them all down when they defraud their clients.
The ethical brokers and lenders know, as we have learned, that the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) leans heavily toward protecting those working within the mortgage and banking industry. That is likely why David Flude pushed so hard for our Producer to go to them to file a complaint that he knew would go nowhere. The attitude of 'who cares' demonstrated by the government oversight is what inspired us to produce this expose documentary. The passionate desire by lower paid 'officials' to 'help' the multi-million-dollar brokerages was first demonstrated by the South Simcoe Police Service where 'motivated' detectives ignored the allegations for a full year, and then spoke only with the accused and not the victim, and then omitted from the evidence key financial documentation, all so they could cut a 'get out of jail free' pass for the multi-million-dollar brokers. The videos we produced about their professional bias, found at "South Simcoe Police Service Now Omitting and Falsifying Evidence to Protect Loan Sharks" and "South Simcoe Police Service Cook the Books to Help Rich Crooks" attracted more than 40,000 and 30,000 plus views respectively.
This is the Facebook page of one of the private mortgage industry boards on which we have been accepted, along with the welcome message we received this morning. It is mostly American focused, so our interest is limited, which is why we chose to show it here. The other five all appear to be very focused on Canada, with special attention to Ontario. On these boards, brokers, brokerages, and lenders compare notes, bring to light new information, and chat about industry updates.
Evidently, the clandestine invitee thought our story would be of genuine interest to their colleagues.
Some of the pages represent thousands of members, while others have a smaller audience. Regardless, they can share, and that will be made easier when we install the 'share this story on social media' buttons to every story. We are working on the coding now, but as we have noted previously, we are video producers and not website designers. We hope to have the button on this page later today. We will then save the working code to make the task easier in the future.
The common goal is to 'gain massive engagement', and sharing our story can help accomplish that.
We are not naïve. We understand that many of these industry professionals will use our fully supported reports and videos to advance their own businesses by taking clients away from the the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. Regardless, it is they who have criminally and ethically abused the trust granted to them, and they also have refused to even meet with their shared client who they defrauded by loan sharking and then collaborated to conceal the crime. It is important to remember that we are a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service that donates all services to local charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups, and they are a group of multi-million, multi-billion, and quarter-trillion-dollar corporations who are so afraid of our evidence that they have refused to try to stop us from reporting this story.
The criminal collaborators are currently retrying the 'nobody is reading' tactic, by avoiding our story, but as can be seen, that only applies to them, and we hope they are enjoying wallowing in denial in their caves.