Climbing the Corporate Ladder - Verico the Mortgage Station
We are now walking the path that would be taken by any investigative journalist seeking to learn the truth about unethical lending practices and collaborative corruption within the mortgage industry. It is also the path of denial and obstruction that would have to be followed by any senior with a complaint regarding being defrauded, which is why we are producing this expose documentary. So far, we have worked our way up from the minions to their management, to the money managers, and now to their masters, and we are learning new details and picking up allies along the way.
Nobody hides for more than two years if they have done nothing wrong.
There is no viable reason why the six-billion-dollar HomeEquity Bank, which is owned by the quarter-trillion-dollar Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), would for two full years support a small town, backcountry brokerage where the brokers had committed the indictable offence of usury, or loan sharking against a senior and veteran client of HomeEquity Bank. There is also no logic to them ignoring the reality that those brokers will not contest the allegations or challenge the evidence of a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service that donates all services to charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups.

Those at the top seldom have much time or patience for those at the bottom, and especially for those who are complicating their business.
That makes as much sense as Macallan scotch vouching for backcountry moonshiners at a bail hearing.
We have sent two letters to Katherine Dudtschak, the new CEO and President of HomeEquity Bank, and so far, she has utterly ignored all attempts at communications. One email was just sent on July 12, 2024, so there is no foul regarding it. However, the first one was sent on June 11, 2024, more than a month ago, and the decision to trash it, and not even push it down to a minion, shows a level of arrogance seldom found in a business that prides itself on customer service or client relations. What we found most interesting, is that when we sent the second letter, which we also carbon copied it to all of the lenders who provide funding to Verico the Mortgage Station, essentially ALL of those third party lenders clicked the link to the first letter and remained there for approximately 18 minutes, before spending on average 22 minutes reviewing the second letter. We are glad to see that those who have a vested interest in the outcome of this story found our correspondence so interesting. Also, at multiple addresses associated with several different third-party lenders, the email was forwarded, either automatically or manually, to as many as a dozen other addresses at the specific financial institutions, most of whom followed suit and took the time to read both emails fully.
There was a time, based on lies, when this website was treated as a gripe site, but these professional competitors are now seeing that while the altruists are putting their cards face up on the table, it is the 'financial professionals' who are hiding and not responding while clearly terrified to argue evidence in court.
We are not only reporting on the ethical abuses of these corrupt corporations who believe they can defy the law at will. Our Producer is also a client of Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., and HomeEquity Bank, and he has filed a grievance involving an indictable offence that all three corporations have chosen to ignore. The brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station, the management team at Verico Financial Group Inc., and the board of directors or HomeEquity Bank may not like that we are reporting about their crimes and omissions, but all we are doing is reporting the truth about what they are or aren't doing.
If we were not telling the truth, now more than two years since we started warning seniors through this story, you can be assured we would have been shut down by the court a very long time ago.
All of these corporations have a legal and ethical obligation to deal with the allegations of their clients. This is not an opinion, but something that has been acknowledged in an email from David Flude, in which he said repeatedly that his meeting with our Producer was a 'regulatory requirement' that could not be 'kicked to the curb' or 'ignored'. Since it is a condition of licencing as demanded by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). It is therefore not unreasonable to expect that the rule applies to all three financial service corporations. As our Producer noted in his email of July 12, 2024, to Katherine Dudtschak:
I draw to your attention the content of your own 'Resolving Complaints' . . . I can assure you that NONE of these steps were undertaken more than two years ago when I notified HomeEquity Bank that I had been defrauded by usury or loan sharking at Verico the Mortgage Station when signing up for the CHIP Reverse Mortgage.
We understand that the plan had been to hide until we just went away, but more than two years later, we are still very much here, and we are not going anywhere any time soon. The story is also getting bigger, and our options for distribution are growing as more people realise that a six-billion-dollar bank that targets seniors is not willing to deny on camera that they supported loan sharks who stole from a senior and veteran. It is also obvious after 750+ days, that they are terrified by the prospect of being exposed in court if they try to abuse the purpose and intent of litigation through a contemptuous Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit as was threatened but never acted upon by David Flude more than seven months ago. That obvious trepidation comes as little surprise, as none of these corrupt corporations has any idea what evidence we have piled up over more than 750 days of investigation and research.
Currently, a major not-corporate controlled Canadian news network skims our content almost daily, and based on their traffic patterns we expect an email or phone call some time this week.
Now that we are including the details about and discussing the potential influence of the quarter-trillion-dollar mega-corporation that owns the HomeEquity Bank, that being the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), why would the royalty in the castle on the mountain care about those living in a shack in the valley? Their view is more likely one of cut them loose and get our own house back in order. Those in the middle of the corporate and economic pathway made the mistake of confusing collaboration for loyalty. If that allegiance was owed, the traffic would travel both ways, and those at the bottom would be throwing themselves on the proverbial sword to deflect investigation from their powerful allies. However, the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station are evidently quite comfortable maintaining their silence and doing nothing to prevent our exposure of those they supposedly serve, and they have sat back and watched as new areas of exposure regarding Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) have come to light, including their genocidal embrace of a decision to invest in Lockheed Martin, which according to their own members, is selling weapons to Israel that are being used to mass murder innocent women and children in Palestine.
This has become a story of a kingdom willing to face damnation by defending the thieves who stole from their own castle and then hid in the tunnels below, eagerly willing to let others fight and go down so they can escape.
The longer the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station, and their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank hide from the reality of their own criminal and ethical offences, the bigger this story will become. We have never asked for anything from any of those corporations other than that they review the bank and lender evidence of the crime of usury, or loan sharking, as committed against a senior, veteran, and altruist. We also want to discuss the absurd timetable for closing a mortgage that they initiated to force their mark to accept an illegal level of interest on a loan which almost closed a compassionate community media service that has donated more than $700,000.00 in services through the gifting of greater than 350 fundraising and public awareness videos to more than 180 charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups. Finally, we want to know why these 'financial professionals' have all hidden, refused to meet with their client, who they know is a respected altruist, and why they are willing to commit the crime of 'Fraudulent concealment'.
We also might have a few issues to raise that we have not discussed in these articles.
There is an old saying, as vulgar as it might be, that 'sh*t flows downhill'. It means that bad or unpleasant news flows from the top, like that of the board of directors at Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), down to the lowest of the ranks, such as the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station. However, in this case, those at the top of the castle at the top of the mountain are watching from their hiding places as the effluent fills the valley below them, climbing up and over those with whom they have apparently sworn a one-sided allegiance. Instead of taking action to drain or redirect the stink and stain caused by the actions of third-party private contractors, who are not even part of their empire, and which can be replaced by any of a hundred or thousand others, the powerful are just turning a blind eye, hoping that the sewage will simply disappear with time.
Nobody of any intelligence exposes themselves, especially as allies to criminal indictable offences, just to help self-absorbed servants who have shown no public loyalty in return.
The easily proven facts are that the loan sharks of Lefroy, those being the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, stole money from a client through loan sharking. The client reported it to Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank, both of which sided with the brokerage, choosing to ignore the evidence that was so damning that the South Simcoe Police Service chose without cause to omit it and to falsify figures so the 'motivated' detective could cut a pass to the wealthy brokers on an indictable offence that upon conviction warrants a prison sentence of up to five years. This is what happens in Canada when dealing with multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations that can defraud average citizens, and if caught, they can 'motivate' the assistance of unethical officials who swore an empty oath to 'Protect with Courage, Serve with Compassion', but instead accepted motivation from the rich to see all things their way.
We don't care if they are multi-million, multi-billion, or worth more than a quarter-trillion-dollars, the law applies to all, and through public exposure we will continue to increase our warnings to Canadian seniors and families about the dangers of doing business with these three unethical corporations.