New Desperate Angle on an Old and Tired Game - Verico the Mortgage Station
For more than a year, most likely third party contractors working on behalf of some or all of Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., and/or HomeEquity Bank have been scrounging the content of our various websites, looking for something . . . anything they think they can use to coerce us to stop warning seniors and other potential victims about the loan sharking, fraud, and cover up they have committed. For example, while writing this article, somebody from Barrie, running a Mac from an often-seen Bell Canada IP address, is researching an article by Five Points Media from February of 2022, that has nothing to do with this story. It is about how our team exposed a negligent absentee slumlord who the evidence supports contributed to the death of a disabled man.
That apparently obsessed 'researcher' is now on their sixth visit to the same story within the past hour.
This same tactic of coercion was attempted in an embarrassing fashion by David Flude when he tried, while veiled behind anonymity, to twist our Producer's successful action against a community parasite and vexatious litigant into a lame threat to try unsuccessfully to coerce us to stop reporting the truth about the loan sharking at Verico the Mortgage Station and the criminal level of coordinated cover up attempt by Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank.

Our commercial division is not connected to our expose documentary about mortgage fraud, but that doesn't stop the deperate from looking for chrysanthemum in the sunflower field.
The Criminal Code of Canada, Section 341 - Fraudulent Concealment states:
341 Every person who, for a fraudulent purpose, takes, obtains, removes or conceals anything is guilty of
- an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years; or
- an offence punishable on summary conviction.
Despite their huff, puff, and bluff, none of these multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations have found cause to file civil action, nor to seek injunctive relief regarding David Flude's eight-month-old claim of libel.
We know the visits to our websites and social media are being committed by agents of all or one of the multi-million or multi-billion-dollar corporations because the Facebook of our commercial company, shown here, simply does not attract seven simultaneous hits in one hour, and certainly not day after day as has become the standard. It is also a long weekend, in the middle of summer, and frankly people have better things to do than view pictures of our studios and our production facilities. We have also not added any content to that page since July 16th, when we posted a cute puppy with a camera, so there is nothing to draw in anywhere near that many 'new' visitors. Apparently, those seeking to conceal their crimes have worked through the content of our websites, including hundreds of pages on our Five Points Media domain, searching vainly for something they think they can use against us. Alas, the nuclear codes were simply not there, so now they are moving down to social media 😉.
The reason for the trepidation is they have found NOTHING that they can use against our solid, tangible evidence of their criminal and ethical breaches of trust, so the last place they want to go is court.
The problem for them is that we truly are the altruists who we present ourselves to be, which is a reality that is very hard for loan sharks and those who have committed the crime of Fraudulent Concealment to understand. They also appear unable to find a lawyer who will represent them in what could only be abusive litigation, so the brokers, branders, and bankers are stuck with perpetuating their scavenger hunt, sifting through hundreds of pages of fully donated community videos looking for some nugget that they think they can use against us. They are literally sifting through our donations, like the members of the unsheltered community, the struggling families facing peril, and tens of thousands of others who have for more than a decade benefited from the fully donated services of our not-for-profit that has been all but closed by the greed of the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and the boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank.
The once respected brokers and bankers are now viewed by many to be corrupt and abusive of the trust granted to them, and the sudden and unannounced departure of Lisa Purchase just reeks of scapegoating.
They search at all hours, but all they find is that we are true philanthropists who have fully donated more than 350 fundraising and public education videos to more than 180 charities, not-for-profits and benevolent community groups. The financial value of those services exceeded $700,000.00, which resulted in our team being nominated and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism that was presented by the City of Barrie and Barrie Chamber of Commerce. We have also worked with just about every official service in Barrie, including the office of the Mayor, City Council, the Barrie Police Service, the Barrie Fire and Emergency Service, Simcoe County Paramedic Services, and literally every official service of Simcoe County, during a twenty-two-part project that was undertaken in support of an initiative spearheaded by the Nottawasaga detachment of the OPP.
The multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations must be getting tired of their lawyers telling them that, as they are easily established as criminals, they cannot silence the truth through an abuse of civil court.
The guilty do not want to attract attention, which is another point in support of our honesty in reporting on this matter. While we stand tall and make our allegations openly in our own names, the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and the boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank have for two years hidden while evading all contact with the senior, veteran, and philanthropist who they defrauded or who they chose to ignore rather than acting ethically.
If they are innocent, why are the representatives of these multi-million and multi-billon-dollar corporations hiding from a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media group that donates all services?
When confronted with the evidence of the crimes of his brokers, including usury, or loan sharking, that are punishable by a prison sentence of up to five years, David Flude lied six times in two emails (Email 1) (Email 2) to evade investigation by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). The Principal Broker at Verico the Mortgage Station also told some whoppers to a potential new client who sought a mortgage of $800,000.00, but ended up taking her business and a commission of about $8,000.00 to another broker after calling out the repetitive liar and supporting the truth of our reports and videos. The full email is here.
"Mr. Flude. You truly must think people are stupid, and your explanation is insulting. After receiving your response I read everything Ironside posted about you and I watched all of his company's videos. His work is clean well produced and professional, unlike your accusations that appear vacuous unsupported and offensive to the intelligence of other people. If he was what you claim he would not be putting his name on his work, and you would have sued him a long time ago as he openly taunts you to do more times than I could count. I even went back to watch some of his other videos. The man has credentials from work all over the world and he was selected for an award for altruism in Barrie. nonetheless, you paint him as simply an agitator. You insult me sir as you do anybody to whom you tell that lie. You also fail to mention that those people he - agitated - all lost to his eviednce and several were convicted or fined as criminals. That means he was right, and it is why you will not fight him in court.. Have you watched any of the videos he has produced for the hundreds of charities that are not about your company? I doubt it, but I did. Not all 300 plus of them, but enough. He has worked with everybody from multiple mayors to the chiefs of police. That is one well-connected agitator. I once worked in the courts many years ago and clearly, your agitator is somebody who stands up as we all wish we could. I read through your cover story like you are stamped on tracing paper. As you can see I have copied this email in full to your agitator and i am granting Mr. Ironside my consent to use it as he wishes. I think he is doing a damned good job exposing you and your agents and I would even be happy to chat with him on camera. I am ever so glad I found his reporting about your business. I will also be asking if he can recommend an honest broker. Do not insult me again by trying to whitewash your actions. I will advise my friend of what I have learned and I doubt they will be coming to you for any renewals. i admit I have been angered by your deceptive response as i do not like being lied to. I do not want to hear back from you again. E."The full email is here.
So far, NONE of the supposedly professional heads of any of these corporations has shown any resemblance of professionalism, while at the same time they have not at any time refuted our allegations.
When he was notified of the fraud by usury committed by a brokerage working under the flag of his company, W. Mark Squire the CEO and President of Verico Financial Group Inc., refused act and declined our Producer's request for a meeting, or even a phone conversation. When our producer wrote to Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher, the Executive Vice President, Marketing & Sales at HomeEquity Bank, she refused to meet or to even acknowledge the allegations. Finally, when our Producer introduced himself to Katherine Dudtschak, the new CEO and President of HomeEquity Bank simply ignored the letter. Then, a month later, when he wrote to her again, she showed the same level of contempt a second time.
Such negligence is not indicative of 'trusted financial professionals', as confirmed by lenders, brokers, and the branch manager of one of Canada's 'Big Five' banks, who questioned the mental health of those involved.
As that 'Big Five' bank branch manager noted, professionals deal with such allegations, be it by discussing it with the client if the charges are true, or by curtailing the publication or video through civil action and injunctive relief if there is insufficient evidence to support the claims. The brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and the boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank have done neither and have chosen instead to hide for more than two years. They have also not in any way challenged our claims or evidence. When they were notified of the fraud by usury, both W. Mark Squire and Katherine Dudtschak, turned a blind eye and ignored all attempts at communications. They apparently see no moral or ethical quandary in a broker charging the grossly illegal rate of 198.25% in interest and fees on a short-term loan to a senior and veteran that was made necessary only because of the actions of Lisa Purchase, who dragged out the closing date without providing a reason from three weeks to nine.
We must question how many times such a crime goes unpunished that they appear to feel no concern.
That truly 'trustworthy financial professional' not only questioned the mental health of the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, but also what leverage they must have over HomeEquity Bank that is compelling Katherine Dudtschak to sit down and shut up when ordered to do so. Her demonstrated lack of personal strength and character causes more harm each day to the credibility of the HomeEquity Bank which she just took control of two months ago. We are no longer able to even effectively estimate how many people have been reached by the truth of this story, but we can say it is a lot, and that essentially all of those people chose to go somewhere other than the Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., and HomeEquity Bank.
The desperation is obvious, as is the need for these supposed professionals to keep reading and re-reading the same material over and over, desperately searching for a magic lantern that will solve all their problems.