Momentum Multiplying as The Truth Spreads - Verico the Mortgage Station
On June 12, 2024, we posted on this 'Latest News' page a true copy of an email from our Internet hosting company, in which we were advised that we had once again exceeded our bandwidth limitations. Upon examination of our cPanel, it became clear that essentially all the increased traffic was creditable to the website at
That email was the sixth of it's kind since we moved this story to a dedicated domain in January of 2024.
Once again, as we have done each time we were notified of similar levels of unbridled interest, we doubled the available bandwidth to accommodate the increasing quantity of visitors. For those who did not major in math related studies, those numbers mean we have doubled our traffic every month for the first half of the year, updating our bandwidth on an exponential curve, which represents . . .
. . . an increase of thirty-two times our original level of traffic, and in six more months that will be by a factor of 204,800 times, and in another year 1,307,200, etc.
Keep in mind, we started recording this data only after we had been advised of the first request to increase our bandwidth, which was in January of 2024. Also, that request was made of us after we had been actively updating this story for six months, which we started doing a full year after posting our first articles. We also had an established following due to having posted multiple pages and videos on our Five Points Media domain, which has a respectable following as a not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service that donates all services to local charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups. Keep in mind, those numbers above are not how many people visited, but how many more multiples of people are returning to or finding our stories for the first time each month, which is causing us to need to perpetually increase our bandwidth by a factor of two.

The technique is working as our story is frequently ranked two and three on page one on either or both domains
By the time we started recording the data, we were already well out of the starter gates, and running at full speed halfway around the track.
Part of that growth is attributable to the help we have received from an anonymous online promoter who continues to help our team from a distance, and the fact that when we moved the website, we left the original stories on the domain for Five Points Media but removed them from the index. We also coded each page, so they forwarded the visitor to the new address for the page on the domain at By doing that, we ensured the original story was still accessible to Google and the other search engines, as is clearly the case in this example. As seen in this Google search from yesterday, the technique is working as our story is frequently ranked two and three on page one on either or both domains. A few weeks ago, we suggested we would be creating mirror domains based in other provinces, and we will now be moving forward with that plan, meaning our story will be prominent in every province where Verico Financial Group Inc. or HomeEquity Bank do business.
Every senior who could be victimized by this kind of elder loan sharking scam, and every person whose complaints of criminal activity will be ignored by the brokerage company and the bank from which they bought their mortgage, deserve to be warned of the risk of fraud.
The biggest contributing factor, however, is simply old-fashioned human stupidity. There is a reason why massive companies recall millions of dollars' worth of products due to 'possible listeria' in lettuce, or 'potential weakness' in the seat connectors on a specific model of highchair. It is an issue of liability; however, the cost of recall is often higher than the risk of civil action regarding the few cases that would ever come back on them. The reason they do it is those professionals understand the power of the Internet, and specifically Google, and they know just how easy it is for clients to find the truth about them. Imagine public reaction, even years after the event, after learning that a brand name company knew of an issue that they did nothing about that resulted in other people being hurt.
There was a reason why Tylenol pulled every bottle of their product off the shelves, destroyed them, and then invented a whole new method of product security that was then adopted across their industry and others.
Millennials, who were raised online, are the young couples who want to buy a house. Meanwhile, Generation X are the ones arranging the retirement affairs of their parents. Both groups understand that we no longer live in a world that relies on timed reporting from mainstream media sources, told by corporate shills who pandered to their advertisers, and is then spread by word of mouth at the water cooler. People also know that ethical adults running legitimate businesses do not lie six times in two emails (Email 1) (Email 2) to evade accountability for their wrongdoing. They also understand that it is not hard for a multi-million-dollar corporation with multi-billion-dollar allies to find a lawyer who can obtain injunctive relief against a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media channel to remove a story, that they say is false, but which they will not take action against.
It is a very short learning curve to understand why the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank have taken no action to silence us.
The 'victims' of such an assault of untruth also do not hide in a closet sucking their thumb for 18 months, nor threaten to sue the person they defrauded, but then fail to find the testicular fortitude needed to actually do it. That sudden lack of enthusiasm resulted from them learning that our Producer , their intended target, has a record of 100% success from personal experience, when as a self-represented litigant he successfully, and repeatedly, defended his rights as a journalist in the Superior Court protecting against such obvious abuses of the purpose of litigation. The brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station charged 198.25% in fees and interest on a short-term bridge loan, and the facts are fully documented.
That is why these multi-million-dollar corporations with multi-billion-dollar allies are terrified to seek any kind of injunctive relief against a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service.
We have also established using evidence how each of the brokers has admitted in writing that they stole money by usury, or loan sharking (Renee Dadswell), (Lisa Purchase), (David Flude). People can see that the multi-million-dollar corporation is struggling and failing to save face. David Flude and his brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station can wallow in denial and refuse to accept reality for as long as they wish.
Every day, the facts of this story become more reminiscent of the tactics used by Trump and his minions, especially with regards to the egocentric central figure who lies at a pathological level to control others through obvious deceptions that are clearly visible to everybody else.
Trump also denied reality, he lost in a big way, and now all of his actions are coming back to haunt him. During the past two years, this story has grown from how one business owner was too arrogant and 'superior' to take responsibility for his actions and those of his brokers. Now it is a tale of massive corporations, including a bank, sinking their heads in the sand, and ignoring levels of abuse, collusion, and other crimes that clearly permeate the mortgage industry in Canada.
For the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank, this story has grown like a cancer, and with it so have the size and diversified interests of our audience.