Mortgage Loan Sharks Abandoned and Alone - Verico the Mortgage Station
Our primary studio.

Verico the Mortgage Station

Loan Sharks Defrauding Seniors in Simcoe County Now Hiding Behind a Wall of Lies and Deception.

A documentary in production for broadcast and streaming

Five Points Media is a provincially registered media company and community channel.
Studio: 705-828-5605 ~ Production: 416-996-2786 ~ Email

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Our reports and evidence remain 100% uncontested by any identified person.

This 'threat' was sent by an anonymous coward who feared signing their own name.

Why is the HomeEquity Bank, an asset of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), valued at more than $247.5B, working with loan shark mortgage brokers who prey on seniors and veterans, while draining the resources of local charities, and why are they afraid to challenge the evidence and allegations of a small not-for-profit?


  1. Our articles have been online throughout the time shown above; however, we have not received a single challenge to our fully-supported alllegations.
  2. All three brokers who are key to this documentary, David Flude, Lisa Purchase, and Renee Dadswell, have admitted in writing to our allegations.
  3. We have made multiple offers for the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their various corporate allies to explain their side of the story.
  4. Despite our multiple offers of détente, not a single representatives of any of these multi-million and multi-billon dollar companies has stepped up.
  5. We have offerred to cancel this documentary, and to delete all articles and videos, if any of the accused can disprove our claims on camera using evidence.
  6. So far, none of them have shown the courage to stand up and disprove our claims, meaning all of our allegations remain 100 per cent uncontested.
  7. These purportedly 'legitimate' companies, who secretly lie to their clients about us, appear so afraid of our evidence they will not challenge our allegations.
  8. If we were not factual in our reporting, any of those corporations could have attained a cease and desist order or other injunctive relief against us.
  9. Instead, all these wealthy corporations seem willing or able to do is hide in the dark and hope that their clients do not learn the truth.
  10. So far, 97% of comments made online or through emails, direct messaging, etc. have been supportive of our exposure of these criminal acts.
  11. The South Simcoe Police Service is subject to pending investigation after omitting evidence and falsify figures to help the wealthy brokers.
  12. The Producer is 35-year media veteran who has worked as an international television news in places like Bosnia and the Middle East, and as the Deputy Editor of a national European newspaper owned by the Washington Times.
  13. The Producer has also passed on that knowledge and experience by teaching at three community and private colleges in Ontario and British Columbia.
  14. The Producer and crew of this expose documentary represent a not-for-profit community channel that since 2014 has donated more than $700,000.00 worth of services to more than 185 local charities, not-for-profits, benevolent special interests groups, and the towns and villages of Simcoe County.
  15. In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, the Producer and crew were nominated for and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism presented by the City of Barrie and the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce.

Mortgage Loan Sharks Abandoned and Alone - Verico the Mortgage Station

There was a time, just two years ago, when the criminal and ethical abuses of the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station seemed so well covered by Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank that they openly displayed how much they felt invulnerable to being exposed for the crimes they had committed. That is understandable as they believed they were fully backed by another multi-million-dollar corporation and a muti-billion-dollar Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank that was owned by the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), a quarter-trillion-dollar international megacorporation. They had also managed, somehow, to 'motivate' a detective of the South Simcoe Police Service to omit key evidence and falsify figures to evade charges of fraud by usury, or loan sharking, as was committed against a senior, veteran, and philanthropist who has donated more than $700,000.00 worth of services to greater than more than 180 local charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups.

Being 'above accountability' did last long.

As we noted in our article 'Lies Wearing Thin - Verico the Mortgage Station', all outward appearances would suggest that HomeEquity Bank finally made the right choice for them and their clients by cutting all ties with the loan sharks of Lefroy.

As we predicted many months ago, it appears that the boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank have cut the chains to the loan sharks of Lefroy.

As we predicted many months ago, it appears that the boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank have cut the chains to the loan sharks of Lefroy.

That decision was the right thing to do, but it was done far too late, as HomeEquity Bank knowingly left their clients flapping in the breeze for more than two years, at the mercy of the loan sharks who sell their CHIP Reverse Mortgage. It seems likely that the decision was made by Katherine Dudtschak, the recently hired CEO and President of HomeEquity Bank, but the clandestine action is simply not enough.

There needs to be accountability, which is what we mean to expose through our documentary.

Now it seems Verico Financial Group Inc. has similarly cut all, or at least most, ties with Verico the Mortgage Station. A recent review of their website revealed that essentially all references to Verico Financial Group Inc. are now gone, when previously we noted many more. There was a banner at the bottom of the page and several written references to Verico Financial Group Inc. that we can no longer find. In fact, the only reference we did find was on their Personal Loans & Credit where Verico Financial Group Inc. is referred to as "We also have partnered with Verico on their credit card program! If you'd like to start getting rewarded for money you'd be spending on everyday essentials anyways, there's a credit card for you. Read more about the many different credit card options on the Verico Credit Card page and apply today!"

How are they now partnered to Verico when previously they were part of the Verico network?

As we also noted in our article 'Lies Wearing Thin - Verico the Mortgage Station', we have known for several weeks that the building occupied by Verico the Mortgage Station is for sale on the commercial market, which is not a good sign of continued success. That is supported by the fact that within a very short time they dropped the price by ten percent. The loan shark brokers are also trying to rent out some apartments, most likely in the basement and on the second floor, which would suggest an urgent need for cashflow. Those rental listings seem new, so it is likely recently built office space that has been converted which fits with our earlier reporting that several brokers appear to have left the corrupt brokerage and not replaced. Then, of course, Lisa Purchase disappeared rather abruptly and with little fanfare, indicating she could have walked out in her own best interests, or she was thrown under the bus by David Flude and Renee Dadswell, most likely looking for a scapegoat to appease the HomeEquity Bank, by which we mean the board of directors at the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP).

Now that they have run out of people to throw under the bus, what course will Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank choose to follow?

The bravado and chronic denial displayed by David Flude did nothing to improve his situation, which is also true of the management teams and boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank was self-destructive on a grand scale. Yes, Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank are bigger, and more able to weather the storm of exposure that seems to have taken down Verico the Mortgage Station. However, they still suffer huge losses due to potential clients learning the truth and brooding is not helping their situation. Back in November of 2023, almost a year ago, we offered to meet with any or all parties in this story for a without prejudice meeting so we view their evidence that countered ours, if they have any, and prior to that, we offered them all the opportunity to present their side of the story on camera with the offer being to cancel the documentary in its entirety if they can disprove our allegations using empirical evidence. Both offers were ignored by all parties, with the apparent result being that the smallest company, Verico the Mortgage Station, appears to be circling the bowl and losing everything. We have never rescinded either offer, so if the management teams and boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank want to see an end to our investigative reporting and exposure, they can sit down over a coffee or use our lens to prove us wrong.

There is an old African proverb that translates roughly to:
'Don't stand around watching while a lion eats your friend.'

The prospective clients for both Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank can see that these multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations are afraid to challenge the allegations and evidence of a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service that donates all services to every charity, not-for-profit, and benevolent community group that asks. They can also now smell the guilt as they watch Verico the Mortgage Station crash and burn rather than challenge the validity of our claims in a court of law, or even through civilized discussion. Now, in addition to facing the fully supported content of this website, which ranks very high on Google and the other search engines, and the likely untimely demise of their former collaborators at Verico the Mortgage Station, these third party companies, which were dragged into this expose documentary by the actions of others, will become the main focus of a the criminal and ethical breaches of trust that have so far been committed by all. They also face a pending deluge of exposure through social media across the country that will happen when the chill of autumn returns, and more people are online.

He who has done no wrong is not abandoned by all his friends and benefactors, nor is he forced to burn down his own house to survive.

Once again, we offer the management teams and boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank the opportunity to call us liars in a very public forum. We propose video recording a two-camera discussion between their designate and our Producer, for a recorded 'live' to 'tape' discussion of the evidence. Clearly, their loyalty to David Flude and the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station has waned, or worse, and they no longer want to be dragged through the dirt in which they chose to wallow. If they have done nothing wrong, this recorded conversation can do them no wrong. If they refuse to meet, as is their choice, they simply scream once again that they are afraid of the evidence that we say will substantiate their accountability for both legal and ethical breaches of trust.

Denial will not alter the fact that just about every person of significance in the bank and independent mortgage industry is now following and sharing this story, so if we are wrong, what do you have to lose?

We are sure that the management teams and boards of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank breathed a sigh of relief when our crew was required to focus on a new documentary about multiple abuses of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and defiance of an order of the Superior Court that were committed by the Mayor and Council of the City of Barrie against a legally protected homeless encampment. If you are interested, we recommend reviewing the past couple of weeks of our Facebook Page. Now, however, we are back, and we have no intention of backing down from reporting the truth of this story for as many months and years is required . . .

. . . especially as it seems clear from the apparent collapse of Verico the Mortgage Station that the jury of public opinion has passed their verdict.

Our fully functional kitchen set.