When the Tail Wags the Dog - HomeEquity Bank
One thing we have not been able to figure out from day one of this story, more than two years ago, is why the management teams at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank initially chose to support the loan sharks, and of course now, why they continue to do so. To the best of our knowledge, the only person who made any money from committing the crime of usury was Renee Dadswell, and she certainly did not earn enough to justify the fully supported, uncontested, public allegations we have made against all three companies that they are clearly too fearful to contest in court. It would have been infinitely wiser for everybody if two years ago David Flude had instructed his broker to pay back what she skimmed, instead of trying to justify her crimes, and for W. Mark Squire and Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher to have investigated the brokerage for other potential issues of trust, especially regarding seniors.
Back then, that would have been the end of it.
There was no website or expose documentary, nor a budget to produce it. All they had to deal with two years ago was minor damage control for having committed an indictable offence that warrants a prison sentence of up to five years. What possible logic could compel them to escalate the effect of their crimes, unless their goal is to decrease their sales further every day as more people find the now 95 pages of search engine optimized written content and 30+ videos?

Sit, Katie, sit. Good girl.
This text-generated AI image is not intended to depict Katherine Dudtschak or David Flude.
Ego, and fear of official exposure through court action, is what appears to be driving these people, and apparently they harbour a twisted loyalty to a small town brokerage owned by an 'Oka from Muskoka'.
Verico Financial Group Inc. boasts 3800+ brokers, so why risk damaging the earnings potential of those other equally important independent licensees and that of the branding and licensing corporation, other than David Flude and W. Mark Squire appear to need to show how tough they are. Perhaps they should take a moment to read the parable of the oak and the willow before continuing down a path of self-destruction. The same question can be asked of HomeEquity Bank, who have experienced scandal in the past. Do they not need to show loyalty to all of the other brokers, including those not associated with Verico, who also sell their CHIP Reverse Mortgage?
Two years ago, both of the multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations were provided freely with unredacted copies of the evidence, so they know we are telling the truth.
That, of course, is also why all three of these puportedly 'ethical' provincially licensed financial service corporations are collectively terrified to challenge in a court of law the allegations of a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service that donates all services to local charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups. Why would the management teams of either of these professional financial services be so eager to harm their own image and bottom line just to protect people who defrauded their client, who have lied at a pathological level, and who repeatedly threw the HomeEquity Bank 'under the bus' to justify the con used to financially distress their client so they could set him up for loan sharking and then hide for two years from their crimes and ethical breaches of trust?After all, are the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station not literally beneath the HomeEquity Bank, in ethics, in revenue, in value, and in accountability for the crimes committed against senior and veteran clientele?