Sorry For Our Absence, But We Have Been Busy Saving Lives
We apologise for having been away for a few days, and we hope nobody got excited, because neither we nor the truth of this story are going anywhere. During the past couple of weeks, we have found ourselves overwhelmed with advocacy work, trying to house, and also to provide a warming centre for those struggling to live without shelter in Barrie where temperatures are plummeting. Many of these people are victims of fraud, like that undertaken by the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, who target senior and veteran clientele, that was then covered for by their profit motivated collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. So, their stories tie in well with our current documentary. View details of our various efforts at
Full details will be included in the next article, which we are hoping to have online by tomorrow.
The brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, seem quite comfortable with their decision to defraud their senior and veteran clientele through loan sharking. After all, despite the self-admitted harm done to their business by our uncontested claims of criminal and ethical breaches of trust, and also to their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank who now both appear to have abandoned them, neither David Flude nor Renee Dadswell have shown enough ethics or character to return the money they have admitted they stole.

While fraudsters, like those at Verico the Mortgage Station, and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc., HomeEquity Bank, and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan work together to take money from senior and veteran clientele, or conceal the crimes, our crew and other advocates donate our time and resources to help the victims, who are people just like you.
In his vacuous threat of abusive litigation David Flude noted:
"You claim to be overcharged a few hundred dollars - certainly no one here is attempting to get rich . . . ."
Clearly, that weak attempt at bravado is a lie, as is common when dealing with David Flude who lied six times in two emails (1) (2) to evade investigation by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). The Principal Broker at Verico the Mortgage Station also told some whoppers to a potential new client who sought a mortgage of $800,000.00 but ended up taking her business and a commission of about $8,000.00 to another broker after calling out the repetitive liar and supporting the truth of our reports and videos.
"Mr. Flude. You truly must think people are stupid, and your explanation is insulting. After receiving your response I read everything Ironside posted about you and I watched all of his company's videos. His work is clean well produced and professional, unlike your accusations that appear vacuous unsupported and offensive to the intelligence of other people. If he was what you claim he would not be putting his name on his work, and you would have sued him a long time ago as he openly taunts you to do more times than I could count. I even went back to watch some of his other videos. The man has credentials from work all over the world and he was selected for an award for altruism in Barrie. nonetheless, you paint him as simply an agitator. You insult me sir as you do anybody to whom you tell that lie. You also fail to mention that those people he - agitated - all lost to his eviednce and several were convicted or fined as criminals. That means he was right, and it is why you will not fight him in court.. Have you watched any of the videos he has produced for the hundreds of charities that are not about your company? I doubt it, but I did. Not all 300 plus of them, but enough. He has worked with everybody from multiple mayors to the chiefs of police. That is one well-connected agitator. I once worked in the courts many years ago and clearly, your agitator is somebody who stands up as we all wish we could. I read through your cover story like you are stamped on tracing paper. As you can see I have copied this email in full to your agitator and i am granting Mr. Ironside my consent to use it as he wishes. I think he is doing a damned good job exposing you and your agents and I would even be happy to chat with him on camera. I am ever so glad I found his reporting about your business. I will also be asking if he can recommend an honest broker. Do not insult me again by trying to whitewash your actions. I will advise my friend of what I have learned and I doubt they will be coming to you for any renewals. i admit I have been angered by your deceptive response as i do not like being lied to. I do not want to hear back from you again. E." The full email is here.
Nobody of sound mind watches their life's work burn around them over what they pretend is a pittance.
A short eleven months after that huff, puff, and bluff threat of an abusive Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit, the grift of a few hundred dollars is now burning down million-and billion-dollar dreams. By his own admission in his lame threat of litigation, it is quite evident that as a result of our exposure of that fraud, as committed by his broker, Renee Dadswell, with the assistance of the apparent 'under the bus broker' Lisa Purchase, David Flude is losing staff like Trump loses court cases. He has also been forced to convert offices built for a planned expansion into apartments to generate cashflow, and he is compelled to sell his newly custom built office building that he is now suggesting a buyer could convert into a rooming house because after months on the market, nobody else seems to see the 'wisdom' of building a multimillion dollar office space in a village with a population of less than 700 residents.
Our recent traffic patterns, from during the time we have been away, have included hundreds of visits, all focused on HomeEquity Bank and their corporate masters at the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan.
The reason for this is that HomeEquity Bank, and by extension the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board (OTPP) are losing sales, and they are feverishly reviewing ever article and community video we have ever posted, trying to find some way out of the reality of their legal and ethical violations of trust by finding something . . . anything they think they can use against us.
The problem for them is that no matter how many lawyers they hire, or cyber-geeks assigned to try to silence us, the horse is out of the barn, and as we have done nothing but good for others, the truth is obvious.
Using the recently updated number of twelve drive-by visits per week, and the same 50% ratio of lost opportunities, which is conservative, the HomeEquity Bank experiences a loss of opportunity, valued at $250,000.00 in potential income over a ten-year period, every time a visitor to this story chooses to buy into another option that is not a CHIP Reverse Mortgage. That adds up to $1,500,000.00 per week, or $78,000,000.00 per year. In the case of HomeEquity Bank, the lost sales, valued at $213,693.63 per day, are not restricted to those generated by Verico the Mortgage Station. People are frequently visiting our pages looking for information about HomeEquity Bank and the CHIP Reverse Mortgage, and they are coming from every province in Canada. That will only get worse when we launch our social media campaign focused on major population centres across the country. That will be launched soon, when the weather cools consistently, and more people are spending time on social media.
No multi-billion-dollar corporation fears taking action to prevent losing millions upon millions of dollars that are being lost due to the uncontested allegations of a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise community channel that donates all services, unless they know they are guilty, and that the evidence is irrefutable.