Stories Swarmed from Across Canada 90 Days After 'Broker Convention' - Verico the Mortgage Station
We had an interesting weekend of traffic, with new and established visitors coming to our reports and videos from all over Canada. One thing we could not help but notice is that although the iOS operating system is used by about 60% of the mobile online market, more than 92% of our weekend visitors were mobile Apple users. We will need to further analyse the patterns, to determine how this compares to past weekends when we only had limited access to our visitor data - see the article dated April 08, 2024, on this Latest News page. Further, on April 13, 2024, again on this Latest News page, we noted how a frequent visitor to this online extension of our expose documentary about mortgage fraud in Canada told us about how we were missing considerably more data due to another flaw in our coding.
On January 16, 2024, 90 days or exactly three months ago, we released an article about how hundreds of other Verico brokers appeared to have visited our homepage on masse, apparently based on the invitation of their head office at Verico Financial Group Inc. That time period is often used in legal agreements, such as a promise to end this ongoing criminal exposure by a certain date, by whatever means. Essentially, every one of those assumed brokers used the latest iPhone running the most recent iOS.
We are still here, which could be why we are once again drawing so much attention from those with a vested interest in this story.
Regardless, the locations from which these visitors came, the ultra new nature of their devices, and the iOS used to access our data are very reminiscent of our article "Broker's Convention Held On Our New Homepage" through which we exposed how it seemed that Verico Financial Group Inc. had let the cat out of the bag to its hundreds of brokers about how Verico the Mortgage Station was being publicly exposed for committing usury, commonly known as loan sharking and there seemed to be little if anything they could do about it.

Why are Verico brokers across Canada being forced to accept losses caused by the exposure of crimes committed by some Oka from Muskoka, and why is head office covering it up?
We ran an IP address and geographical comparison between the two lists of visitors, and it is a statistical nearly impossibile that this is a coincidence.
Consider that you are a Principal Broker of a mortgage brokerage licensed under the umbrella of Verico Financial Group Inc. That license cost you a lot of money, and you had hoped to see a reasonable return on your investment. Then, you learn that another Principal Broker had caused exposure of criminal activity by a journalist and documentary producer who has been recognised at the highest levels for his contributions to his community and that the abusive Principal Broker was seemingly unwilling or unable to deal with the issue or put his house in order.
Not only had he refused to meet the defrauded client, which was a legal licensing obligation under the regulatory requirements of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), he also hid for almost two years, and ultimately threatened the man his brokers had defrauded through a lame, pathetic, threat of civil action that was thrown back in his face with sufficient force to convince the multi-million-dollar brokerage to evade filing a claim or a motion for injunctive relief with the court for more than three months.
It has been 90 days, or three months, since we released that article about the other brokers on January 16, 2024.
That time period is often used in legal agreements, such as a promise to resolve this ongoing criminal exposure.
We can tell through our visitor tracking tools how somebody was directed to our websites, including if it was via a link in an email. According to our analysis, 67% of those visitors using iPhones and iPads came to us this weekend through an email link to our three main pages, Reports and Videos, Index, and surprisingly, The Givers, the Takers, and the Victims. That could mean that one of those brokers who invested in a brand that is now being exposed for loan sharking is trying to muster support to pressure W. Mark Squire and the management team at Verico Financial Group Inc. to do what David Flude has demonstrated he is incapable of dealing with. Nobody with an IQ higher than a turnip wants to be associated with a business that committed the indictable offence of usury, and who through their tactics of manipulation caused the closure a benevolent not-for-profit media service that has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fully donated services to hundreds of local charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups.
No ethical business wants to be branded as being part of criminal activity, or an attempt to cover up the crime, or evading the people or individual(s) who are making the allegations.
We are not suggesting some kind of Monty Python-themed business coup d'etat, but it is conceivable that, given the rate of expansion of our continuing exposure, W. Mark Squire and the management team at Verico Financial Group Inc. could soon see brokerages changing flags as a way of distancing themselves from a branch gone bad that has done NOTHING to dissuade or disprove our allegations of criminal and ethical violations. It is also not like they have been given the opportunity, as we have very publicly offered David Flude, Renee Dadswell, and Lisa Purchase, the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station, and their allies W. Mark Squire, President and Chief Operating Officer, Verico Financial Group Inc. and Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher, Executive Vice President Marketing and Sales of HomeEquity Bank, an on-camera interview at which time they would have the opportunity to debunk our claims with their own evidence, if they have any, and we have also offered to meet through a without prejudice meeting for the same purpose. It is also likely not lost on the other brokers across Canada who are now frequently returning to our reports and videos that we have also offered to cancel the documentary if just one of the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station or either of their known allies can disprove our claims using tangible evidence.
It does not require a genius IQ, nor years of investigative experience, to understand why none of those we have named repeatedly in our reports and videos has stepped up to accept any of our offers.