Basic Physics Shows Fire Burns Up And Out - HomeEquity Bank
Our primary studio.

Verico the Mortgage Station

Loan Sharks Defrauding Seniors in Simcoe County Now Hiding Behind a Wall of Lies and Deception.

A documentary in production for broadcast and streaming

Five Points Media is a provincially registered media company and community channel.
Studio: 705-828-5605 ~ Production: 416-996-2786 ~ Email

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Our reports and evidence remain 100% uncontested by any identified person.

This 'threat' was sent by an anonymous coward who feared signing their own name.

Why is the HomeEquity Bank, an asset of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), valued at more than $247.5B, working with loan shark mortgage brokers who prey on seniors and veterans, while draining the resources of local charities, and why are they afraid to challenge the evidence and allegations of a small not-for-profit?


  1. Our articles have been online throughout the time shown above; however, we have not received a single challenge to our fully-supported alllegations.
  2. All three brokers who are key to this documentary, David Flude, Lisa Purchase, and Renee Dadswell, have admitted in writing to our allegations.
  3. We have made multiple offers for the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their various corporate allies to explain their side of the story.
  4. Despite our multiple offers of détente, not a single representatives of any of these multi-million and multi-billon dollar companies has stepped up.
  5. We have offerred to cancel this documentary, and to delete all articles and videos, if any of the accused can disprove our claims on camera using evidence.
  6. So far, none of them have shown the courage to stand up and disprove our claims, meaning all of our allegations remain 100 per cent uncontested.
  7. These purportedly 'legitimate' companies, who secretly lie to their clients about us, appear so afraid of our evidence they will not challenge our allegations.
  8. If we were not factual in our reporting, any of those corporations could have attained a cease and desist order or other injunctive relief against us.
  9. Instead, all these wealthy corporations seem willing or able to do is hide in the dark and hope that their clients do not learn the truth.
  10. So far, 97% of comments made online or through emails, direct messaging, etc. have been supportive of our exposure of these criminal acts.
  11. The South Simcoe Police Service is subject to pending investigation after omitting evidence and falsify figures to help the wealthy brokers.
  12. The Producer is 35-year media veteran who has worked as an international television news in places like Bosnia and the Middle East, and as the Deputy Editor of a national European newspaper owned by the Washington Times.
  13. The Producer has also passed on that knowledge and experience by teaching at three community and private colleges in Ontario and British Columbia.
  14. The Producer and crew of this expose documentary represent a not-for-profit community channel that since 2014 has donated more than $700,000.00 worth of services to more than 185 local charities, not-for-profits, benevolent special interests groups, and the towns and villages of Simcoe County.
  15. In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, the Producer and crew were nominated for and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism presented by the City of Barrie and the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce.

Basic Physics Shows Fire Burns Up And Out - HomeEquity Bank

Anybody who has ever taken even the basic level of high school physics knows that fire burns up and out, and it does not self-extinguish until ALL available fuel is exhausted. Then, as time passes, it gets bigger. Those with forestry experience know that in a wildfire, the flames usually start with small kindling and work their way up to the massive trees that burn longer and slower, but still end up as coals.

As the bear in the ranger hat is known to say,
"Only you can prevent forest fires."

David Flude evidently believed he could simply wait out the exposure of his criminal and ethical breaches of trust which include usury, or loan sharking of a senior, veteran, and philanthropist who has donated more than $700,000.00 in services to any charity, not-for-profit, or benevolent community group that asked.

It is just too obvious now how wrong he was.

Sadly others, like the management team at Verico Financial Group Inc. and the board of directors at HomeEquity Bank bought into the high hopes of a man who they knew had lied to his client six times in two emails (Email 1) (Email 2) to evade investigation by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA).

The fire spreads faster as larger trees are exposed to the flames.

The fire spreads faster as larger trees are exposed to the flames.

As the wind fans the flame, the inferno grows and strengthens, and in time, everything burns.

In a property listing posted by Royal LePage regarding 1370 Killarney Beach Road, Lefroy, the recently built and custom designed office of Verico the Mortgage Station, the sales listing notes:

"Recently built, it features 7 residential units and 1 commercial unit, currently generating substantial rental income, making it a robust investment. Additionally, with pending municipal approval for an additional 12 units, the potential expands to a total of 20 units, poised for lucrative rental returns or development."

Apparently, David Flude has dropped his expectations from selling a state-of-the-art customized office space for $4.5 million, to seeking a much smaller investment to change the building into a multi-unit rooming house.

David Flude certainly seems to have lost a lot in the way of opportunities resulting from our factual and fully supported allegations of the criminal and ethical breaches of trust committed by his brokers, and logic dictates that the same must be true for Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. Regardless, they are holding their ground, refusing to reply to their client, apparently believing that as they are bigger, they will not suffer the same fate as the loan sharking brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station. What they don't seem to be taking into consideration is that as fire burns it actively looks for new sources of fuel and will even leap from a smaller tree to a bigger one to find it. In the case of our documentary, the fuel is information that is not known by potential clients who absolutely have the right to be forewarned, especially given the less than ethical actions and lack of defence demonstrated so far by these corrupt corporations.

The blaze that ultimately takes down 350-foot-tall Redwoods can be started with a single one inch match.

The apparent untimely demise, or at the very least, the need for massive reconstruction of the once highly respected Verico the Mortgage Station, should be of concern for Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank, as that change in the dynamic has drawn in truly incredible numbers of interested professionals from the mortgage and financing industries. Perhaps they are too arrogant to believe it, but people do not believe that a multi-million-dollar corporation that has done no wrong would idly sit back and allow years of investment to be burnt to the ground by fully supported claims of criminal and ethical breaches of trust, or that they would not defend their actions if the claims were unfounded.

The same is true of the much larger companies, which are now choking on the smoke of exposure, as proven by referencing them in Google, while waiting for the arrival of the metaphoric flames of social justice.

As Obi Wan Kenobi asked of Luke Skywalker in 'Star Wars: A New Hope', "Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?" The hide and seek tactics initiated by the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station have not worked, and the backlash from the public is obvious. Regardless, it seems that the management team of Verico Financial Group Inc. and the board of directors of HomeEquity Bank had no plan B on which to fall back. A fictional Jedi master may not be a great source for sagacious advice, but how about drawing on Albert Einstein, the greatest mind ever known, who is accredited with saying:

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

It is not only potential clients for both collaborating companies who are seeing the writing on the wall. Competitors, advocates for fair dealing in the mortgage industry, and members of mortgage Facebook groups are also now sending others to review are reports and videos, as are the many advocates with whom our team works to irradicated homelessness, to support the most vulnerable, and to help struggling families improve their standard of living. We can also call on about 180 local charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups that we have helped directly through the donation of professional media services.

All we have ever asked of these corroborating companies is an on-camera interview to explain their side, and we have even offered to cancel the documentary if they can present evidence to disprove our allegations.

Our fully functional kitchen set.