Lies Wearing Thin - Verico the Mortgage Station
Currently, and by a wide margin, the most viewed pages on our website are those pertaining to the involvement of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP). We can tell some of them are most likely lawyers or researchers working for that quarter-trillion-dollar corporation, but there are also a lot of visits by people not hiding behind proxy servers, from locations across Ontario, which likely represent the teachers who have spent their entire professional careers feeding that beast.
The members and board of the OTPP are not likely happy being associated with loan sharking seniors.
This is likely not their first rodeo when it comes to public exposure. As we showed in our story "Motivating Members of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP)", posted on July 05, 2024, some contributing members of the OTPP have drawn a hard line of resistance to many of the ethically questionable decisions made by the Board of Directors, such as investing in an arms manufacturer that is selling weapons to Israel who they know are using them to commit mass murder against women and children in Palestine. The last thing the OTPP needs is another war on a very public front about something they didn't even do but are linked to by the actions of their Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank asset, the HomeEquity Bank.

This is how guilt by association is established, as the corporations that helped the criminally and ethically corrupt brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station pass on the guilt.
The most likely scenario is that the HomeEquity Bank, on orders of the OTPP, will soon or already have severed all ties and thrown David Flude and the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station 'under the bus'.
The agents visiting the content of our reports and videos most recently have shown zero interest in any article about the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station. Their only interest is how the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) is presented in our content, and to a lesser part what we report about the HomeEquity Bank. That suggests that the board of directors of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) could not care less about some small and likely shrinking Oka from Muskoka brokerage and is quite willing to cut the rope and walk away.
We have known for several weeks that the building occupied by The Mortgage Station is for sale on the commercial market, which is not a good sign of continued success, and that they have dropped the price.
We don't know if the brokerage owns the building that is current for sale, but we do know that within the past two years they significantly increased their floor space, evidently expecting to expand. We also know the price dropped about $400,000.00 which suggests a sense of desperation. They are also trying to rent out some apartments, most likely in the basement and on the second floor. Given that these listings seem new, it is likely office space was converted which fits our earlier reporting that several brokers appear to have left and not been replaced. Then, of course, Lisa Purchase disappeared rather abruptly and with little fanfare, indicating she could have walked out in her own best interests, or she was thrown under the bus by David Flude and Renee Dadswell, most likely looking for a scapegoat to appease the HomeEquity Bank, by which we mean the board of directors at the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP).
Another thing we noticed was a change in the exterior decor.
Two years ago, when we started reporting on this story, Verico the Mortgage Station had one piece of solid window art. It was a full window decal promoting the CHIP Reverse Mortgage sold by the HomeEquity Bank. Now that promotional artwork is gone, at least according to real estate images, and the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station are pushing hard to let everybody know that they installed a garbage can on their front porch so other people could donate the necessities of life to the Food Bank while they take the credit.
We also could find no reference on the Verico the Mortgage Station website to the HomeEquity Bank or the CHIP Reverse mortgage.
We looked at the 'Reverse Mortgage' page on the website of Verico the Mortgage Station, and found only ambiguous information, with no listing of a provider or details of the offers made. We are pretty sure it was not like that when we started reporting on this story, but since then we have exposed the involvement of the HomeEquity Bank who helped to cover up for the indictable offence of usury, or loan sharking, by refusing to investigate or to even discuss the matter with their client who was defrauded while buying their product. We also carbon copied the letters (Letter 1) (Letter 2) we wrote to Katherine Dudtschak, the President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank, to the lenders who work with the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station including essentially all the banks that offer reverse mortgages. So, they likely don't want to deal much these days with David Flude and the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station. Then we ran a search for "HomeEquity" through the website's search tool, which resulted in zero hits for that Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank and only random connections about seemingly unrelated issues.
It certainly seems like the writing is on the wall as ego and pride cometh before a fall.
As we have noted in our article "The Back Story of Our Investigative Journalism" and in a letter we sent to an unethical lawyer intent on abusing the purpose of civil litigation to protect a slumlord who contributed to the death of a disabled man through negligence, public exposure of criminal and ethical abuses of trust, like those exposed here, have always resulted in the guilty party losing everything whenever they did not acknowledge their wrongdoing. Each of them also tried, and failed, to bully us into submission and/or to ignore the facts, hoping we just went away. David Flude chose not to heed the lessons of history, and he appears to be paying a huge price for his display of hubris.
David Flude chose to both threaten us and ignore us, and if these apparent negative changes in fortune are the result of our reporting, he has 100% brought it upon himself.
David Flude chose to ignore his responsibilities by lying six times in two emails (Email 1) (Email 2) so he and his loan sharking broker, Renee Dadswell could evade investigation by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). The Principal Broker at Verico the Mortgage Station also blatantly lied to a potential new client who sought a mortgage of $800,000.00 but ended up taking her business and a commission of about $8,000.00 to another broker after calling out the repetitive liar and supporting the truth of our reports and videos. You can see the entire email here, and this final volley from the angry woman kind of says it all.
"Mr. Flude. You truly must think people are stupid, and your explanation is insulting. After receiving your response I read everything Ironside posted about you and I watched all of his company's videos. His work is clean well produced and professional, unlike your accusations that appear vacuous unsupported and offensive to the intelligence of other people. If he was what you claim he would not be putting his name on his work, and you would have sued him a long time ago as he openly taunts you to do more times than I could count. I even went back to watch some of his other videos. The man has credentials from work all over the world and he was selected for an award for altruism in Barrie. nonetheless, you paint him as simply an agitator. You insult me sir as you do anybody to whom you tell that lie. You also fail to mention that those people he - agitated - all lost to his eviednce and several were convicted or fined as criminals. That means he was right, and it is why you will not fight him in court.. Have you watched any of the videos he has produced for the hundreds of charities that are not about your company? I doubt it, but I did. Not all 300 plus of them, but enough. He has worked with everybody from multiple mayors to the chiefs of police. That is one well-connected agitator. I once worked in the courts many years ago and clearly, your agitator is somebody who stands up as we all wish we could. I read through your cover story like you are stamped on tracing paper. As you can see I have copied this email in full to your agitator and i am granting Mr. Ironside my consent to use it as he wishes. I think he is doing a damned good job exposing you and your agents and I would even be happy to chat with him on camera. I am ever so glad I found his reporting about your business. I will also be asking if he can recommend an honest broker. Do not insult me again by trying to whitewash your actions. I will advise my friend of what I have learned and I doubt they will be coming to you for any renewals. i admit I have been angered by your deceptive response as i do not like being lied to. I do not want to hear back from you again. E." The full email can be found here.
People can see the truth, that we are not the 'serial agitators' that David Flude invented in a failed attempt to convince the potential new client to hire him so he could collect a commission of about $8,000.00 on her mortgage. In truth, as can be seen by all, Five Points Media is a not-for-profit, social enterprise, media service that has donated more than $700,000.00 in skilled labour and production facilities to our community by providing, free of charge, at least 350 videos to more than 180 charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups. That led, in 2020, to our team being nominated and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism that was presented by the City of Barrie and the Barrie Chamber of Commerce. We also have a hard-earned reputation for taking on corruption and assisting average Canadians who cannot fight the wealthy to secure their rights.
We are currently protecting the homeless community in Barrie from being abused by the Mayor and Council, who are violating a Superior Court Ruling to bully the poorest and weakest human beings in our community.
As is the case in this presentation of the facts, we are using evidence and the law to present the truth to our community. We do not rely on emotional response but are able to present hard facts that prove our allegations. That is why our reporting has been so successful, and it is why the directors of Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc, and HomeEquity Bank, all multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations, have hidden for two years from our small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service that donates skills and professional video production equipment to any charity, not-for-profit, and benevolent community group that asks.
People can see that we are altruists, dedicated to our community, which takes more than a sign in the window asking others to donate to the Food Bank so the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station can take the credit.
If these events do in fact foreshadow the utterly avoidable downsizing or demise of Verico the Mortgage Station, the weight of responsibility, which David Flude chose to evade when he was advised of the criminal actions of his brokers, falls squarely on him. He could have stood up, taken the reigns, apologized for the 'mistake' and rectified the criminal and ethical abuse of trust. He has also been offered the opportunity to discuss his position on camera, and we even offered to suspend production if he could show using tangible evidence that we were mistaken in our reporting. That offer was made not only to the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, but also to their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. Regardless, none of those multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations, which should be able to flatten us like an insect through legal action if we are lying, have ever denied or defended against any of our allegations.
So, if we are reading the tea leaves correctly, where do we go from here?
Regardless of the result, nothing has changed with regards to our reporting of this story. The loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station still defrauded their client, and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank did nothing to protect a senior and veteran from fraud by loan sharking. We will also focus more on the ethical quandry that is the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) who also refused to act regarding the legally and ethically corrupt actions of the board of directors of their asset, the HomeEquity Bank. Finally, for now, there is the issue of the detectives of the South Simcoe Police Service, who omitted evidence and falsified figures so they could assist the multi-million-dollar brokers by cutting them a 'get out of jail free' card. Those issue are all still very relevant, and nobody from any of the parties to this story have provided us with any incentive to do anything but expose their involvement in this case of defrauding a senior and veteran through loan sharking while through their actions defunding vital services that were of great value to every charity, not-for-profit, and benevolent community group in Simcoe County.
The escalating issues being demonstrated by the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station simply enhance our credibility while adding a sense of justice served as we continue to work our way up the food chain.