Water drops erode mountains not because of their size, but their persistence
Water is the most powerful force on earth, as it not only cuts lines through rock, but also tears down mountains. The effect of erosion is bonded to the incalculable power of persistence. Likewise, the inaccurately named "Chinese water torture" is one of the most effective means of coercion, as random drips of cold water fall over time onto the scalp, forehead, and face of the subject, creating a mentally painful process that generates anxiety, fear, and mental deterioration.
The same can be said about exposure of the truth.
Water also collects from microscopic sources to create the largest surface on the Earth. Dew develops on a leaf, forming a single dribble, that trickles onto the ground, collecting with others into a puddle or stream, which makes its way to a river, and finally to a lake or the sea. Similarly, the decision by the directors of Verico the Mortgage Station, to ignore their own criminal and ethical abuses of trust, has caused with time for the exposure and self-inflicted damage to grow, not only for them, but also for their now apparently former allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. It is our persistence in reporting the truth of these criminal acts of Usury and Fraudulent Concealment that has washed away all credibility for these multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations.

Cross-referencing allows one story to blend with others to present a bigger interconnecting tapestry of facts and evidence, the content of which has never been contested or challenged by any identifiable representative of any of the accused individuals or corporations.
People understand that multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations that have done no wrong would not accept being 'libelled', so we all understand who is telling the truth and who is afraid to challenge the evidence.
Almost two and a half years ago, David Flude, the Principal Broker and presumed owner of Verico the Mortgage Station, stuck his middle finger in the air to the client who his broker, Renee Dadswell, had defrauded through usury, or loan sharking. She was assisted by her colleague Lisa Purchase, who later suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from the company, as if fleeing from the bad reputation her actions and our exposure had generated, or she was "thrown under the bus" as a scapegoat for the crimes committed. David Flude also admitted to knowing about the crimes that were committed, claiming "This short term loan provided to assist you in making your previous mortgage payment obligation, in my opinion was a generous and helpful deal." The legal limit for interest charged on a loan is 60%, which includes service, administrative, and other fees, and that level can only be applied in extreme situations, which did not apply in this case. Renee Dadswell, a highly experienced mortgage broker with many years of experience would know that. Regardless, through self-admitted sketchy 'administrative' and 'late' fees, she charged 198.25 percent, which is an indictable offence of usury, punishable by a term of up to five years in prison.
Criminal Code of Canada section 347 - Usury
347 (1) Despite any other Act of Parliament, every one who enters into an agreement or arrangement to receive interest at a criminal rate, or receives a payment or partial payment of interest at a criminal rate, is
(a) guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
(b) guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine of not more than $25,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day, or to both.
At that time, when first confronted with the tangible evidence of loan sharking that has never been refuted, David Flude, a once-respected, provincially licensed broker, thought he could brush it all under the rug, and could not possibly have known the repercussions he would face, or the damage he would do to his own business or those of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. The fault also lies with them, for being frankly stupid enough to back him up by refusing to investigate or even acknowledge the indictable offence that had been afflicted against their shared client through the sale of a CHIP Reverse Mortgage to a senior, veteran, and community philanthropist who had donated more than $700,000.00 in services to charities in his community, and who had been nominated and voted to the highest levels for the City of Barrie 'Paying It Forward' award for altruism.
As they did not know about our history of successfully exposing corruption and defending against abusive legal actions, the irony is poetic, like in a movie where the bully is defeated after they chose the wrong 'victim'.
Two years ago, the exposure was like water barely touching their feet. However now, due to the passage of time and our persistent desire to warn potentially vulnerable seniors about the risk of fraud, it is now halfway to their heads and rising. Those slow methodical drips just keep pinging throughout the sealed room that they built for themselves from materials like pride, arrogance, and a self-inflated sense of self-importance, with each one representing a lost opportunity valued at between $4,000.00 and $250,000.00. If you think that is unfair, consider that although Renee Dadswell did very reluctantly pay back less than half of what she stole after being accused of usury, or loan sharking, and being warned of pending police involvement, nobody at Verico the Mortgage Station has ever offered to return the rest, with appropriate interest, or to even discuss the matter. Further, they have never once even offered to discuss the losses that were afflicted upon our not-for-profit social enterprise that donates all services to the community, that were artificially manufactured by Lisa Purchase to compel our Producer to capitulate to illegal terms and conditions, including loan shark level of fees and interest on bridge financing that would never have been needed if not for the con games played.
Roughly one and a half years of erosion, caused by exposure and persistence, has resulted in apparent disaster for the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, who seem to be bleeding people and money from every orifice.
In an 'anonymous threat' of civil action, an unidentified 'agent', otherwise known as David Flude, ranted about the damage we were doing to him and his business due to our desire to warn potentially vulnerable seniors of the risk of being defrauded by the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station. That vacuous threat of civil action was cut short by our reply, which was based on facts and the law instead of the rhetoric of a self-serving, personal pity party.
Since that day, more than 307 days ago, no threat of civil action has ever been made or even suggested.
We also established that the directors of Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank can huff, puff, and bluff as much as they wish, but it is not we who are afraid of arguing the facts based on the evidence before an impartial Justice of the Superior Court. The bullying attempt penned in disguise by David Flude, also included a direct threat against the young interns and apprentices who work as part of the team of our benevolent community service: "It also should be noted that your posts demonstrate that there are staff and other people helping you both create the videos, stories and posts. As such, these people, once their names are disclosed, are also liable for the defamation."A person can hardly be considered to be without guilt or in a ethical position of strength when they stoop to the level of threatening young adults who work for a business owned by a man the brokers had defrauded.
David Flude showed his lack of character by never once considered the other side of the story, about how his brokers had defrauded a client, who is a senior and veteran, nor did he offer to discuss taking responsibility for having almost destroyed a community service that had was depended upon by hundreds of charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups. He also chose to ignore an option that would have allowed him to add his own spin to our content, both in the documentary and on promotional media like this website, or even to provide evidence to counter our claims that would have cancelled the documentary. He and his now safe distanced collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank were given multiple opportunities to take positive action that would potentially save their professional reputations and the corporations they represent, but instead they chose to open the floodgates of exposure and let the water flow, causing further erosion to their businesses.
All harm done to the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station or their allies is self-inflicted, as any of them could have asked for a round table meeting to discuss the pending documentary, or even stopped the production.
Now, due solely to their collective arrogant stonewalling, and our persistence in reporting the facts to warn potentially vulnerable seniors, the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station are losing staff on a near weekly basis, offices intended for a planned expansion are now being converted into apartments, presumably to generate cash flow, and their newly built custom building is for sale, being pitched as a multi-unit housing complex for commuters in an off the beaten path hamlet of Lefroy, which has a population of just 700 people. HomeEquity Bank is also not fairing well, as we have established through data analysis of our visitor logs that they are losing an average of six potential clients a week due to our reporting, valued to them at about $250,000.00 each over a ten-year period, which is costing them about $1.5 million a week in sales, or $78 million a year. We know David Flude and his one-time allies never saw this coming, but we did warn them that in every case when we reported on such illegal activity, the perpetrators who tried to stop us, including a Toronto private investigations company, a former police officer and convicted felon turned lawyer, a partner in a Toronto law firm, and a disreputable detective of the Barrie Police Services all paid dearly for trying to bully us into submission or to silence our reporting.
We also successfully defended our rights against others who sought to silence the truth, including some who turned to less civilized methods of intimidation, and none of those attempts worked any better.
The Barrie Police Service detective, working on behalf of a corrupt politician, chose to abuse his authority by arresting and incarcerating our Producer on false charges, apparently believing it would convince him to stop reporting on the story. The seasoned international journalist pushed the false claims to trial, where all charges were ultimately thrown out by a Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice, who cited violations of our Producer's rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. After receiving our reply to her threats of a Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit, Andrea Gonsalves, a full partner at the respected Toronto firm of Stockwoods Barristers representing a slumlord, turned tail and ran, never to be heard from again. Due mostly to our ongoing reporting of abusive litigation, Norman Groot, a former police officer and felon turned lawyer, who had been convicted of heinous physical violence and tried to use physical intimidation as a tool of litigation, was suddenly fired from his 'rising star' status at the prestigious firm of McCague Peacock Borlack McInnis & Lloyd LLP. We also defeated that transparent abuse of our civil court system, despite being self-represented, while the corrupt corporation that had defrauded hundreds of employees was represented by nine lawyers from three Bay St. law firms. Finally, during the pandemic, our crew went to rallies held by no-maskers and anti-vaxxers, and they knew we were not there to support them. We were threatened multiple times but did not leave. Ultimately, one of the less stable members of the group drove by our studios three different nights to shoot out the windows of our van and the front windows of our studio. Regardless, we continued to post the truth, and we humiliated the shooter by inviting him to knock on our door and express his concerns. We even told him he could bring his rifle if he needed it, but he never mustered the courage to drop by.
What we did not do in any of those cases is capitulate to those various legal or physical threats.
In each of these cases, we established that we back ourselves with evidence and the facts, and that no intimidation will cause us to surrender our right to expose the truth, especially when innocent victims are at risk, as is true here. So far, the directors of Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc. and/or HomeEquity Bank have:
- refused to reply to our requests for an investigation into loan sharking that occurred when purchasing the CHIP Reverse Mortgage through their authorized agent.
- hidden from us for almost two and a half years, refusing to reply to any correspondence or in any way communicate with their client they know was defrauded.
- threatened us with a court denounced Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit, but then lacked the courage to file the claim in any court.
- repeatedly tried to censor our right to report on their collective criminal and ethical breaches of trust, most recently by unethically delisting the search engines, and last year through a legally unsupportable complaint to Facebook that was then flipped by the social media platform.
The reason for the escalation of this story lies at the feet of the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies at Verico Financial Group and HomeEquity Bank who have turned dampened shoes into a tsunami.