The Elephant and Gorilla in the Room
We noticed a new pattern during the past week to ten days. It is one of chronic denial, and the vain hope that if those who we are exposing for having committed criminal and ethical abuses of trust don't acknowledge the existence of this expose documentary, then magically, nobody else will either. We see it every day on the news currently, as Trump is repeatedly refusing to accept that he is mistaken about almost dying in a helicopter crash with Willie Brown, even though that former mayor of San Francisco flatly denounces it and laughs whenever asked about it by the media. Trump has, in fact, taken his denial of error so far as to threaten to sue the New York Times for exposing his denial and the reality, and former Mayor Brown is cautioning Trump to stop telling the lie on threat of civil action.
Denial is a short-term sense of security, not a solution.
According to an article penned by Jim Heskett, a Professor Emeritus at the Harvard Business School: "How best is denial managed? Denial is endemic to management. It is a natural part of human nature, closely related to the survival instinct. It can be useful or disastrous . . . "Denial comes out of fear . . . of being wrong." Dan Wallace pointed out that neuroscientists tell us that "once you've solved a particular type of problem several times, your brain stops looking for new ways to solve it" and suggested that the phenomenon applies to organizations as well as individuals."

Katherine Dudtschak must be having some interesting days, trying to ignore the truth that is literally all around her, on the screens of colleagues, clients, and competitors.
While denial may help to assuage the anxiety of the person trying to evade reality, it does nothing to prevent others learning the truth, so the problem remains and grows while they hide their head in the sand.
We have little doubt that, like many corporations, the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank have in the past been forced to initiate or defend against litigation, but evidently now they are stuck in a rut. Now, as noted in the article published by the Harvard Business School, "once you've solved a particular type of problem several times, your brain stops looking for new ways to solve it". While corporations have the resources and the lawyers to threaten most anybody into surrendering their rights, we are not the kind of people who are at all threatened by the prospect of proving our allegations, using evidence, in a court of law. We are also willing and quite capable of letting the world know who made false claims they could not support, and who admitted which crimes were committed by whom while they were on the stand under oath facing our tangible evidence. We are also happy to scan and share the transcript with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), who despite their obvious bias, will not be able to ignore a judgement of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. From there, we will move onto the RCMP and likely the CRA, and then to whoever else, media or prosecutorial, who might find the facts more interesting than the baseless corporate rhetoric and misrepresentation of facts.
- The loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank know they are accountable for our allegations, as we can show that they have all received from us the unredacted evidence of the indictable offences that were committed, which establishes that Renee Dadswell charged 198% interest on a short-term loan, that Lisa Purchase set up our Producer, a senior, veteran, and philanthropist so he would be compelled to accept it, and that David Flude has admitted he knew about the offence, which is why he refused to meet to file a complaint with the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) as per the 'regulatory requirements' that entitle him to be licensed as a mortgage broker in Ontario. Without those there is nothing to protect our especially vulnerable seniors from unscrupulous brokers like David Flude, Renee Dadswell, and Lisa Purchase.
- guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
- guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine of not more than $25,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day, or to both.
- an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years; or
- an offence punishable on summary conviction.
- That we have the evidence to prove our claims including emails in which the brokers have each admitted that they stole money by usury, or loan sharking (Renee Dadswell), (Lisa Purchase), (David Flude).
- That we are true altruists who have dedicated our lives to helping others, and it would be exceedingly difficult, given our evidence, for lawyers representing the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank to depict us as being the 'serial agitator' David Flude libelously claimed of our Producer during an email conversation with a prospective client.
- We have a hard-earned, 100% successful, solid reputation for disproving false claims about our reporting by unscrupulous lawyers who think they have the right to abuse the civil court system to silence the truth about wealthy or influential criminals, and for defending the rights of those who cannot defend themselves due to personal limitations, economics, or both.
The Criminal Code of Canada, Section 347 - Usury (Loan Sharking) states:
347 (1) Despite any other Act of Parliament, every one who enters into an agreement or arrangement to receive interest at a criminal rate, or receives a payment or partial payment of interest at a criminal rate, is:
The Criminal Code of Canada, Section 341 - Fraudulent concealment states:
341 Every person who, for a fraudulent purpose, takes, obtains, removes or conceals anything is guilty of
In the corporate world, we are the new kid in school who is more than able to stand up for themself and other kids when the bullies come looking for lunch money.
The loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank have had two years to discover or manufacture whatever they think would convince a learned Justice of the High Court that we are not reporting accurately. However, instead of even showing the courage to meet with us to discuss the indictable offences they have collectively committed, they have hidden, currently for 792 days, and it has been 225 days since they tried to intimidate us through a lame, toothless, anonymous, unsigned, poorly written do-it-yourself threat of a court scorned and legally abusive Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit, that based on our reply, they have never mustered the court to file with any court.
That is why they are now wallowing in denial, while no doubt convincing themselves that nobody is following our story, even though they know that all they are doing is lying to themselves.
Although she is the newest, and thus the criminally cleanest component of this story, Katherine Dudtschak, the recently appointed CEO and President of HomeEquity Bank holds the most power, and she could turn this ship away from hiding and lying to taking responsibility. As President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank, she can order all contracts with all branches of Verico Financial Group Inc. be nullified, or at the least paused, based on the irrefutable, and evidently undefendable, reality of fraud against their senior clientele, that has been ignored completely by both the management teams of Verico the Mortgage Station and Verico Financial Group Inc. If she is at all ethical, Katherine Dudtschak could simply claim accurately that the actions of those corporations are hurting the image and brand of HomeEquity Bank.
Our claims are so fully supported by evidence that these corporations, including a multi-billion-dollar schedule 1 Canadian chartered bank, seem incapable of doing anything but hide while we continue to spread the truth.
When have you ever heard of multi-million, multi-billion, or quarter-trillion-dollar corporations hiding from a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise that donates all services to every charity, not-for-profit, and benevolent community group that has ever asked them for help? The story of David and Goliath does not begin to describe the one-sided nature of the imbalance. Clearly, we are the ONLY ones who want this story to be told before a Justice of the High Court, in a court room full of journalists. We want these social parasites, who as a result of their greed have all but shut down a charitable organization that helped hundreds of thousands of people in need, to justify loan sharking, and defiance of the 'regulatory requirements' of their industry, and to explain under oath how it is within their rights to commit Fraudulent Concealment by covering for the crimes of the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, which is an indictable offence that carries a two year prison term upon conviction. We want them to show the court how their greed is more important than the contribution of the altruists, who have donated more than $700,000.00 in services to their community, and who were nominated and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism by the City of Barrie and the Barrie Chamber of Commerce. We want them to show how the people they defrauded, are the 'serial agitator'. We want to hear the argument of how because we tell the truth, backed by evidence, that we should not be permitted to reveal the facts about wealthy and privileged corporations, and the court should silence our ten-year-old altruistic media company based solely on the demands of the multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations.
If that sounds far-fetched, read the anonymous threats made by an 'agent' for Verico the Mortgage Station that they lacked the courage to file in any court.
In their threats, the agent expressed total confidence that he could attain 'injunctive relief' with little difficulty to silence our telling of this story, and they threatened to sue, specifically, our twenty-something-year-old interns and apprentices who David Flude could not even establish had written or produced any part of the content of this reporting. Evidently, he didn't care who got hurt, just as long as he could use their futures as a bargaining chip to get away with loan sharking and fraud. It doesn't take much to understand why it appears from our visitor logs that David Flude is having serious trouble finding a lawyer who is corrupt enough to file such an ethically and legally unsupportable claim. As is the case with any multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations, these brokers, branders, and bankers are used to being able to bully those who oppose them, as was tried . . . kind of . . . by David Flude when he sent his lame, do-it-yourself, anonymous threat of abusive Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit more than eight months ago that he has never shown the courage to present in any court of law. If they can't bully, they ignore, which might work fine when dealing with easily confused seniors who have neither the access or the skillset required to challenge them on the public forum.
This time, they stole from the wrong people, and now the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank have no idea what to do.
There is no hiding from our story, as was demonstrated within the past 48 hours as we were invited to join six private groups for lenders and brokers so we could let those on the inside know the truth about the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. Unlike those about whom we are reporting, we are open about who we are, we are willing to share the evidence with whoever asks, and it is obvious to everybody that the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank are all scared to the core to challenge us based on the evidence. People can see the truth, no matter how much these representatives of wealth and power wallow in denial, and they can convince themselves as much as they like that nobody is following this story. We know you don't hit page one number one of Google as many times as we do unless the traffic to your website is sufficient to warrant it.
If you are going to believe in that line of delusional thinking, you might as well put your money on the chances of your grandfather's e-scooter out-dragging a 60.9 hp V8 Hemi.
We understand the arrogance and stupidity of one man, but we have never seen stupid be so contagious. All we have ever asked for is that the loan sharking brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their collaborators at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank disprove our allegations through an on-camera interview. If any of these supposedly 'ethical financial professionals' have done nothing wrong, they have nothing to fear. However, the longer they wait, hoping against all hope that we will just go away, and refusing to challenge our claims, on camera or in a court of law, the more guilty they appear to their prospective clients, who in their own best interests will simply go somewhere else to broker a mortgage through an alternative source of financing.
To the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their corporate collaborators, we say please prove us wrong and do so soon, as the facts are spreading regardless of your denial, and nothing short of the full truth will prevent us from warning more potentially vulnerable seniors about your lies, manipulation, and loan sharking.