Jo Taylor Letter Flying High on Google - Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP)
Just five days ago, on August 7, 2024, our Producer wrote to Jo Taylor, the President and CEO of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP). He also made the letter available for download. That corporation is a massive international conglomerate of companies and investments valued at about a quarter of a trillion dollars. Amongst its assets is the six-billion-dollar HomeEquity Bank, which as a result of their actions has made itself a central figure in our expose documentary.
So, it came as little surprise that this morning somebody found that story through Google.
The combination of our recently upgraded Search Engine Optimization tools, and our links to other independent media, are working well to promote our ever-increasing volume of content. By working in tandem, they have very effectively improved our reach and the speed at which Google now references our stories. Recent additions have taken between one and four days to be processed by the search engines, and the story about our letter Jo Taylor is no exception. We are sure that Jo Taylor is no happier about being named in this story about loan sharking seniors and cover up by the bank that is an asset of the global empire for which he is accountable, any more than was Katherine Dudtschak when she took over as CEO and President of HomeEquity Bank. In her case, Katherine Dudtschak evidently chose to join the collaborators as she has refused to respond to the legitimate concerns of her client. As such, we will continue to climb and cross reference others for as long as the loan sharks and their allies make it necessary.

Due to use of a proxy server, we don't know who the clandestine visitor is, but we know they would not have found this story last week, and they were interested in only one page.
Due to the proxy server, we do not know if the visitor is one of the 'researchers' looking for cause to abuse our civil court system, or if it is a journalist who is visiting now under the same cloak of anonymity.
All we have ever politely asked for is the information needed to create a balanced expose documentary about mortgage fraud in Canada, as is fully or legal right to produce under Section 2B of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The simple truth is that the more they hide, the more reason they give us to dig, and the more their potential clients see though the smoke and mirrors to see them all for who they really are. What we accomplished this week that we didn't have a week ago is to easily connect Jo Taylor to this story about a corrupt corporation that is under his authority. Now, using a variety of key words, some of which he likely won't like being associated with, people will start to learn about the true ethics of HomeEquity Bank, and indirectly those of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP). The connections are not made by us, as we don't control Google and the other search engines, and these are most likely not the only potentially embarrassing links generated by the random selection of our content by the 'spiders' and 'robots' that now visit our pages several times a day, every single day.
'Jo Taylor Ontario Teachers Pension Plan' - Page 3, Number 8 - climbing
'Jo Taylor OTPP' - Page 3, Number 4 - climbing
'Jo Taylor President and CEO Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan' - Page 2, Number 9 - climbing
'Jo Taylor President and CEO' - Page 1, Number 6
'Jo Taylor fraud' - Page 1, Number 1
'Jo Taylor usury' - Page 1, Number 1
'Jo Taylor loan sharking' - Page 1, Number 1
'Jo Taylor HomeEquity Bank' - Page 1, Number 1
'Jo Taylor seniors' - Page 1, Number 2
'Jo Taylor criminal investigation' - Page 1, Number 1
'Jo Taylor investigation' - Page 1, Number 2
'Jo Taylor FSRA' - Page 1, Number 2
'Jo Taylor deception' - Page 1, Number 1
'Jo Taylor lies' - Page 1, Number 1
We sincerely hope that somebody with both the moral fibre and the testicular fortitude required to come forth eventually understands that they cannot hide forever from their criminal and ethical abuses of trust.