Time is Not on Their Side - Verico the Mortgage Station
The only strategy used so far by the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank has been to run and hide, refusing to reply to the concerns of their shared client, and ignoring the crimes that were committed by provincially licensed entrusted 'professionals'.
Those are hardly the actions of the innocent.
The dishonesty becomes especially obvious when you consider that the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station represent a multi-million-dollar a year corporation, and their friends at HomeEquity Bank boast nearly six billion dollars in assets. What secrets could be so damaging as to generate so much fear of discovery within these uber-wealthy businesses that they are afraid to challenge a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media channel that donates almost all of its services?
Legitimate businesses stand up for themselves and protect their investment of time and sweat equity.
About six months ago, an anonymous agent, who claimed to be 'representing' the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station, 'threatened' us with a reprehensible Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit if we did not stop telling the truth about this corrupt corporation. Our response made them scurry back into their dark little Gollum hole, never to be heard from again.

What secrets could be so damaging as to generate so much fear of discovery within these uber-wealthy businesses that they are afraid to challenge a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media channel that donates almost all of its services?
One hundred and forty-six days later, we are still waiting for service of the 'threatened' oppressive action.
The vacuous claim, that was made through Do-It-Yourself 'legal' documents that had clearly never been reviewed by a lawyer, alleged that our reporting of the facts is damaging their business. However, the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank continue to hide, are apparently willing to cause greater damage to be done to themselves through the passage of time rather than challenging our claims of criminal and ethical wrongdoing that they are clearly afraid to respond to under oath in a court of law.
These provincially licensed financial 'professionals' STOLE money from their trusting client, and their allies ignored the crimes, yet they go out of their way to portrait themselves as some kind of victims.
In their documentation, the anonymous agent, believed to be David Flude, noted:"If you are unwilling to look past your own personal vendetta, then at least consider those who have helped you - do they really need to answer for their actions in court?" This statement demonstrates most clearly the self-absorbed nature of the people who run these corrupt corporations. Claiming that a loan shark, who committed the indictable offence of usury, by charging 198.25% on bridge financing, which is punishable by a prison term of up to five years, as having 'helped' their victim is like saying a drug dealer has their clients' best interests at heart. They are targeting seniors for fraud, so it is little wonder that they are so afraid to go to court and face the evidence.
Despite the facts and evidence, they perpetuate this show of victimhood, while hiding, and they spend hours on our websites every day, apparently looking for something, anything, they hope they can use against us.
In October of 2023, a woman we will identify as 'Elizabeth', who was a prospective client for Verico the Mortgage Station withdrew from mortgage discussions with Principal Broker David Flude after expressing concern that she had been repeatedly deceived about who our Producer is and the reason for the documentary. David Flude described the victim of his broker's crimes as 'a serial agitator' and somebody with a grudge, when in truth he has donated so much to his community as a philanthropist that during the pandemic he was nominated and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism. Based on the truth, she took her business and a commission of about $8,000.00 to a different broker who we suggested she might want to speak with. She also noted the following in a final volley of response to the lies told to her:
Mr. Flude. You truly must think people are stupid, and your explanation is insulting. After receiving your response I read everything Ironside posted about you and I watched all of his company's videos. His work is clean well produced and professional, unlike your accusations that appear vacuous unsupported and offensive to the intelligence of other people. If he was what you claim he would not be putting his name on his work, and you would have sued him a long time ago as he openly taunts you to do more times than I could count. I even went back to watch some of his other videos. The man has credentials from work all over the world and he was selected for an award for altruism in Barrie. nonetheless, you paint him as simply an agitator. You insult me sir as you do anybody to whom you tell that lie. You also fail to mention that those people he - agitated - all lost to his eviednce and several were convicted or fined as criminals. That means he was right, and it is why you will not fight him in court.. Have you watched any of the videos he has produced for the hundreds of charities that are not about your company? I doubt it, but I did. Not all 300 plus of them, but enough. He has worked with everybody from multiple mayors to the chiefs of police. That is one well-connected agitator. I once worked in the courts many years ago and clearly, your agitator is somebody who stands up as we all wish we could. I read through your cover story like you are stamped on tracing paper. As you can see I have copied this email in full to your agitator and i am granting Mr. Ironside my consent to use it as he wishes. I think he is doing a damned good job exposing you and your agents and I would even be happy to chat with him on camera. I am ever so glad I found his reporting about your business. I will also be asking if he can recommend an honest broker. Do not insult me again by trying to whitewash your actions. I will advise my friend of what I have learned and I doubt they will be coming to you for any renewals. i admit I have been angered by your deceptive response as i do not like being lied to. I do not want to hear back from you again. E"
All the brokers and their allies have accomplish by hiding for almost two years is to attract more attention, establish their inability to fight our allegations, and to be discovered by more prospective clients like Elizabeth.
All we have ever asked of David Flude, Renee Dadswell, and Lisa Purchase, the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station, and their allies W. Mark Squire, President and Chief Operating Officer, Verico Financial Group Inc. and Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher, Executive Vice President Marketing and Sales of HomeEquity Bank, is an on-camera interview, and we have even offered to cancel the documentary if they can disprove our allegations with tangible evidence. Failing that, we have offered to meet on a without prejudice basis so we can compare evidence and ensure we are telling the truth.
What possible excuse could these purportedly 'honest' and 'ethical' financial professionals fabricate to 'justify' refusing to face their own fully documented criminal and ethical breaches of trust?
- If almost two years ago, the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station had acknowledged their 'error', instead of refusing to meet which is a violation of the regulatory regulations of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), there would have never been any justification for articles, and nobody would have ever known about their indiscretions.
- If twenty-three months ago, after the release of our first article, David Flude had shown the testicular fortitude to step up and reprimand his brokers and return what they had stolen by usury and fraud, the article could painlessly been retracted.
- If David Flude and his brokers had done something, anything, other than hide from their criminal and ethical breaches of trust, a resolution could have been negotiated that could have relied on the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) monitoring the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station for future abuses of seniors.
- If W. Mark Squire, President and Chief Operating Officer, Verico Financial Group Inc. and Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher, Executive Vice President Marketing and Sales of HomeEquity Bank, had shown the ethics to compel the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station to abide by legal and ethical regulations, there would have never been a story, or videos, or a website, or the nearly two years of exposure that came from them.
The wounds suffered by these financial 'professionals' are 100% self-inflicted, and the masochistic mutilations will continue throughout the weeks, months, and potentially years that we report the facts they won't face.
The brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station are NOT the victims. They are the perpetrators of at least one indictable offence of usury, and multiple ethical breaches of trust. The 'motivated' year-long delayed investigation by detectives of the see-no-crimes-if-they're-rich South Simcoe Police Service was clearly intended to cause us to stop reporting, and we have no doubt they never even considered that we would so effectively report the truth of their decision to omit key third-party financial evidence and falsify calculations pertaining to fraud. Regardless, corruption and abuses of any kind do nothing but motivate us to expose it more. All the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies have accomplished is to humiliate themselves each day to greater numbers of potential clients like Elizabeth, and hurt their own businesses by losing income because of potential clients learning the truth. They have also embarrassed the South Simcoe Police Service and Simcoe County Council.
You can be assured that if anything we said about the South Simcoe Police Service or the Council was libelous, we would have reported a while ago about discussing our allegations with their lawyers.
On May 1, 2024, Katherine Dudtschak took over as President of HomeEquity Bank, replacing the retiring Steven Ranson, who remains as CEO until June 30. On July 1st, Dudtschak assumes that role also. It seems unlikely that she is impressed with having inherited this horribly mismanaged extrapolation of an easily resolved 'error' that if it had been dealt with ethically many months ago would not now be embarrassing her company. This true financial professional, who is reported to have led a team of over 25,000 advisors and co-led the development of RBC's omni-channel distribution strategy, is not going to want to inherit an employee's mess, and especially so when the issue orbits around somebody who is only an independent broker, and not even an employee of HomeEquity Bank
Anybody not driven by an all-consuming need to 'win', even if at the cost of self-destruction, can see that this exposure of crimes committed, and ethical breaches of trust, should have been dealt with a long time ago.
We have given Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher, Executive Vice President Marketing and Sales of HomeEquity Bank, plenty of opportunities to meet with us and review the evidence of fraud as committed by agents who were selling the products and services of her company. According to our records, she has never even responded, other than to try to remove our story from Facebook in an unethical manner by claiming copyright violations that she should know do not apply to journalists and producers of socially-poignant documentaries. We also asked to interview Steven Ranson, but the request was flatly declined.Does it makes sense that every representative of all three of these multi-million and multi-billion-dollar companies seem incapable of any action other than runnning and hiding from our little community service?
Fresh blood means new opportunities, so we will be reaching out directly to Katherine Dudtschak through a third-party associate who knows her. At that time, we will provide the new President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank with the evidence that her counterparts are clearly terrified to face in a court of law, and we will provide her with multiple links to different pages on this website which contain key videos that should help bring her up to speed on our nearly two years of reporting.We will also copy our correspondence and evidence to all known representatives of the other lenders, and blank copy it to the brokers, competitors, and lender staff who have reached out to us so far, before posting it here.
According to our research, "Dudtschak is known for her strategic, collaborative, and purpose-driven leadership approach, and has been recognized for her contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion." Being that those last three areas of personal interest are very much in line with our company philosophy, we are hopeful of a more reasonable and professional response than has been the case on any level thus far.
Congratulations, Katherine Dudtschak, on your new roles as President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank, and we hope to be speaking with you soon.