Did Lisa Purchase Jump Ship, Abandoning Verico the Mortgage Station?
We learned a few days ago from one of our industry insiders that about two weeks ago, Lisa Purchase left David Flude and the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station. This action, we are told, was likely made to salvage the tattered shards of her career and reputation, both of which, according to sources, are now virtually destroyed by our exposure of the loan sharking by Renee Dadswell that Lisa Purchase forced upon her client, and the cover up and pathological level of lying by David Flude.
It could also be that due to pressure from above, somebody had to be thrown under the bus.
We would say the split was likely not on the best of terms, as there is not a single fond farewell mention on the Facebook page of Verico the Mortgage Station anywhere in their posts for July, which is surprising as David Flude was always so eager to speak to Lisa's accolades whenever the broker won an award or did well for the company. There are also no fond farewell statements made by Lisa in her social media posts. According to her own independent social media posts, Lisa Purchase is now working with an online mortgage brokerage bearing the uber professional name of "Mortgage Pals". Their official moniker is "Verico Paragon MortgagePal Inc. DBA MortgagePal Inc."FSRAO Brokerage #12685, based in Kelowna, BC.

Apparently, 'I'm done with the lies and the cover-up' could be the caption of this drawing, as according to her own posts, Lisa Purchase has left the loan sharks of the Mortgage Station.
That seems to be quite the step down from an office in a brokerage to working off her kitchen table.
We knew the triad of David Flude, Renee Dadswell, and Lisa Purchase would break eventually, as contrary to fictional accounts of crimes committed by multiple felons, there is no honour amongst thieves. We must admit that given the history of this criminal and ethical abuse of trust, we did not think Lisa Purchase would be the one to put her own needs ahead of 'the team' and bail on the criminal collaborators in her own best interests. Doing so is also not a very good indicator of innocence but is in line with the run and hide philosophy we have seen throughout the past two years of seeking any kind of communications or information from the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, or the board of directors of Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank.
We have always seen Lisa Purchase to be a bit of a pawn or lackey, used by Renee Dadswell in her scheme of loan sharking that David Flude admits he knew about but clearly rewrote the law in his mind to his benefit.
When he received the complaint of loan sharking, David Flude responded by lying six times in two emails (Email 1) (Email 2) to evade investigation by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). Then he refused to do anything and stonewalled any idea of an investigation. In an email dated May 29, 2022, in which he told his client nobody from his brokerage would accept their responsibility under 'regulatory requirements' to administer any investigation, this 'ethical financial professional' even 'justified' the uncontested illegal lending rate of 198.25% in interest and fees by stating:
"3) This short term loan provided to assist you in making your previous mortgage payment obligation, in my opinion was a generous and helpful deal."
The Criminal Code of Canada, Section 347 - Usury (Loan Sharking) states:
347 (1) Despite any other Act of Parliament, every one who enters into an agreement or arrangement to receive interest at a criminal rate, or receives a payment or partial payment of interest at a criminal rate, is:
- guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
- guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine of not more than $25,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day, or to both.

On July 18, 2024, about two weeks ago, Lisa Purchase posted that 'Change is a good thing' along with an animation of a moving truck.
On July 18, 2024, about two weeks ago, Lisa Purchase posted that 'Change is a good thing' along with an animation of a moving truck. She also changed her official name to "Lisa Milley Purchase", presumably including her middle name, which she likely believes will make her less visible to Google and the other search engines. That was good thinking and based on our current rate of search engine updates, it will protect her from her own easily proven offences as a con-artist and loan shark's lackey, but only for about four days.
Lisa Purchase can be assured that she will remain well known for defrauding her clients, including the especially vulnerable seniors who trusted her.
We performed our due diligence and ensured the post was accurate. We did this by visiting the 'Our Team' page on the Verico the Mortgage Station website. It seems likely that page will now change, so we also copied the content as a picture and posted it here. While there, we compared notes about that page from a few months ago, compared to information on that page today, and it seems that half a dozen or more mortgage brokers and agents had moved on from Verico the Mortgage Station and had not been replaced.
That represents an obvious issue as Verico the Mortgage Station recently invested considerable sums to expand their services and office space.
We are reasonably confident to say that about 25 people populated this page at the beginning of the year, and now there are only 19. Most notably missing, in addition to Lisa Purchase, is Jessica Dadswell, now identified as Jess Dadswell-Marshall, who is the daughter of the loan shark Renee Dadswell. Jess Dadswell-Marshall's page on the website of Verico Financial Group Inc. now serves no purpose but as a placeholder with a button that directs visitors to other brokers. It looked like this. She remains on a page dedicated to her work with her mother at Verico the Mortgage Station, but that page has not been updated since March 5, 2024.
This kind of shuffling, especially when discussing qualified and experienced experts, is not a sign of strength and good times for either Verico the Mortgage Station or Verico Financial Group Inc.
We could use an analogy like rats leaving a sinking ship, but the rapidly developing effects of our ongoing exposure of the crimes and ethical abuses of trust committed by the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, and the negligence and criminal collaboration committed by Verico Financial Group Inc., and HomeEquity Bank is now causing irreparable harm that could have easily been made to never happen had David Flude shown the courage to admit his wrongs instead of trying to justify a criminally indictable offence that carries with upon conviction a prison sentence of up to five years, and if W. Mark Squire or Stephen Ranson had mustered the testicular fortitude to investigate the fully supported claims of loan sharking, especially after they had received the unredacted evidence that left no doubt. Now these three exposed corporations will have to face the RCMP and the Canadian Civil Rights Commission who will be looking into the evidence and filing charges.
The sad part is that these corporate cowards dragged their own people into their criminal schemes, like Lisa Purchase, who seemed to have been happy working at the cottage country brokerage in Lefroy.
It seems unlikely that Lisa Purchase would have left Verico the Mortgage Station if not for our ongoing exposure of the criminal collusion to defraud by loan sharking, undertaken between her and her colleagues David Flude and Renee Dadswell. We know little about Jess Dadswell-Marshall, as she is not directly connected to our story. However, we can say that a few months ago, Lisa Purchase and Jess Dadswell-Marshall, were the only two people from their brokerage to stand up to defend the loan sharks when people who had found our reports and videos chose to post less than complimentary reviews (1) (2) of Verico the Mortgage Station.
Lisa Purchase called the posts 'fake accounts' but offered no evidence to support her claims, as is the standard response of Verico the Mortgage Station.

Just eight months ago, Lisa Purchase seemed so happy to work at Verico the Mortgage Station.
We invite the apparently distressed broker to tell us how we can help improve her new status.
In her review, Lisa Purchase recommended the Mortgage Station and said as follows:
"Can't tell you how proud I am to be part of this amazing team! I've never met a group of people so completely invested in helping their clients. As you can see from my profile, I'm a real person and not a profile set up just to spam a business."That was posted on November 13, 2023.
That recommendation was what most people call self-serving, misleading, and blatantly biased, but she wasn't about to start bragging about helping loan sharks to rip off senior and veteran clientele.
Jess Dadswell-Marshall liked Lisa's post, as did the Mortgage Station and somebody calling themselves CorVal Combdon. The latter was a fake account with no posts and less than ten followers. If memory serves, Jess Dadswell-Marshall had also made a post, but if so, it has evidently been deleted, which is not surprising if she is wisely distancing herself from the loan sharks of Leroy, even if the leader is her mother.
People don't leave when the getting is good, so apparently all is not well at Verico the Mortgage Station.
Lisa Purchase reported that she left Verico the Mortgage Station on July 18, 2024, yet as recently as two days ago, July 29, 2024, Verico the Mortgage Station was still posting comments that were specifically about her. That post is also available here. The post refers to 'Lisa' and a quick look at their list of brokers and agents, or if altered can be found here, shows very clearly that there is no other Lisa working as a broker or agent on the team of Verico the Mortgage Station.
How, if Lisa slammed the door on her way out, can David Flude and the remaining brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station ethically justify using comments about her to attract new customers?
There is only one reason why somebody who so vehemently vouched for the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station would now be hauling tail out the door to other opportunities. That is especially true when the career change certainly appears to be a significant step down from what Lisa Purchase had at Verico the Mortgage Station. Although we understand such a decision would be long in coming, we looked at our posts from the beginning of June 2024 through to July 18, 2024, and it seems that anybody with any kind of ethics or conscience would be sickened by the actions they had been pulled into and the character of those who they worked with. We cannot say for sure, but it appears that Lisa Purchase had endured all she could of our exposure of the truth, and the fact that her boss, David Flude, would not risk exposure of criminal activity by filing the reprehensible and Supreme Court scorned Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit he threatened more than seven months ago, but backed away from based on our response. It also seems that based on the meritless claims upon which such a claim would be based, David Flude is experiencing blowback when looking for a lawyer who will accept his retainer to file a clearly vexatious claim. Since January of this year, we have had dozens of lawyers and law firms visit our reports and videos, including from Manitoba and the United States, but no action has taken place, which suggests they all turned down a retainer from the loan sharks of Lefroy.
As of May 2024, we have seen a huge increase in drive by visitors, in which they went to the homepage, then to learn about who we are, and then to another brokerage, which is no doubt hurting the loan sharks' income.
David Flude may believe his heels in the ground determination to never admit he did wrong is some kind of show of strength, and we say please keep it up as he is only hurting himself and those who currently do business with him but will likely cut ties soon out of a need for self-preservation. Those around him evidently see that his attitude has become manic, and it is they who will get hurt the most. Nobody has benefitted from their criminal actions, not even David Flude, but he is going to go down with the ship, if necessary, just to prove something nobody would remember in six months. He may be willing to bow his violin as Rome burns around him, but clearly his brokers are seeing the light of day, and they are bailing on him, or about to do so. The fact that Lisa Purchase was one of his best brokers, and likely a high earner, can only be pressing on his mind, and that of Katherin Dudtschak, the new President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank. She will not likely care in the slightest if the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station make a living wage selling their products, but when the seller start bailing, it is most likely because the product is tainted in the eye of the consumer, and that kind of reputation spreads like oil on water.
One ship sinking is no great loss, but when that vessel is on fire, headed into harbour, and is full of explosives, the harbour master panics, as do the owners of every other boat in the marina.