Con-Artists Cost Our Community - Verico the Mortgage Station
Psychology has shown that people make a conscious choice to be one of the good guys in a story or one of the villains. The decision is governed by a basic understanding of ethics. The classic western comedy "Rustlers' Rhapsody" asked the question 'what would happen if two white-hatted 'good' cowboys were on opposing sides', but that seldom happens. In any story of conflict, such as our expose documentary, there are thieves, liars, loan sharks, con artists, or other despicable villains, and then there are people of conscience working to stop them from harming others or taking advantage of more victims.
This wheelchair is a perfect metaphor for discussing the relevant roles in this story.
Last night, our Producer , John, was out patrolling the streets of Barrie, providing food and the necessities of life to the unsheltered through community outreach provided by Ryan's Hope, a benevolent group to which John is a frequent contributor of time and services. At Meridian Place, the team of volunteers came across a young woman who is known to them, who lost a leg due to a car accident a couple of years ago - full story.
Sadly, she was rolling around in a very unstable fashion in a wheelchair that only had one wheel.
Without a second thought, our Producer asked if the woman would let him help her, and without even asking how she said yes. Ryan's Hope has earned that level of respect and trust from those living within the homeless community, which speaks volumes about their dedication and honesty. With her consent, our Producer took some pictures and when he returned to our studio, he posted on Facebook a fundraiser to help this woman attain an electric wheelchair. The response was $350.00 being raised by early evening. Meanwhile, the founder of Ryan's Hope messaged like-minded people to arrange for a top-quality manual wheelchair that was made available and was delivered by the philanthropists this morning - full story.

On one side you have givers, who have provided fully donated services to hundreds of charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups, and on the other you have provincially licensed brokers who are legally obligated to serve the best needs of their clients, but who instead committed crimes, abused the trust of their client, and refused to address the offences.
This easily established instinct to step up and help those in need is eclipsed by the self-serving actions of the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank.
When David Flude was confronted by a potential new client who found our reports and videos, the ethically bound supposed financial professional went on a rant, accusing the client his brokers had defrauded by usury, or loan sharking, to be a 'serial agitator' and a frequent complainant who had sued neighbours and local politicians. None of those claims were supported by evidence or substantiated in any way because they are all lies. The woman, Elizabeth, was so angered at the deceptive and misleading broker that she carbon-copied us to ensure we understood the depths of depravity to which David Flude would sink to convince her he was right. Those lies served no purpose but to confuse and deceive the woman so David Flude could convince her to sign up for an $800,000.00 mortgage from which he would receive about $8,000.00 in commission.
Who in their right mind would entrust an obvious repetitive liar to finance the biggest purchase of their lives?
The following is a list of other evidence-substantiated facts about David Flude that we have no doubt he will lie about to others to collect commission on their mortgages:
- David Flude has admitted to knowing about the illegal loan sharking in an email from almost two years ago.
- David Flude lied six times in two emails (Email 1) (Email 2) to evade an investigation by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA).
- David Flude lied to a prospective client, which we know because she carbon-copied us on her final scathing retort to being lied to by David Flude.
- David Flude has repeatedly refused to meet the client his brokers defrauded by usury even though he admitted in an email that doing so was a 'regulatory requirement' of his license as a mortgage broker.
- David Flude had the most to gain when a detective of the South Simcoe Police Service felt 'motivated' to omit key financial evidence and falsify formulas as a way to exonerate the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station of an indictable offence that carries with it a prison sentence of up to five years.
- Neither David Flude nor any identifiable person or entity about which we have reported as part of this expose documentary, have expressed any kind of concern about the accuracy of our reporting, nor have they contested a single allegation. That is an endorsement of the accuracy of our reporting.
- It is as a direct result of the delay and stall tactics used by the Verico the Mortgage Station, that were used to coerce our Producer to accept the loan at usury or loan sharking levels, that the benevolent services of our community-focused not-for-profit, social enterprise media services were essentially forced into closure. The 'come here, oh no, not yet' game of cat and mouse stretched out the timeline of the mortgage from a promised three weeks to nine, resulting in considerable lost income that trickled through to force us to dramatically reduce services. As a result, we can no longer provide the level of community services like we did for the young woman who needed the wheelchair. As a result, Renee Dadswell, with the help of Lisa Purchase, and the 'I don't care' attitude of David Flude has brought harm and potential future damage to every charity, not-for-profit, and community group in Simcoe County.
- David Flude, through an 'anonymous agent' 😉, 'threatened' to sue our Producer , with special bullying intimidation being paid to our twenty-something-year-old interns and apprentices. However, despite being a multi-million-dollar company, backed by a bigger multi-million-dollar company, and allied to a multi-billion-dollar bank, none of these huge financial companies has mustered the courage to challenge the claims or evidence of our small, not-for-profit, social enterprise in any court of law.
- Based on visitor data, it appears that the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank are experiencing more than a little difficulty finding a lawyer who will represent their interests in the proposed abusive form of litigation. The reason for that appears to be our history of defeating nine lawyers from three Bay St. law firms as a self-represented litigant defending against the exact same kind of unsanctioned Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit that has been threatened by David Flude but not filed with any court.
Also remember that none of the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station, nor their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank, have mustered sufficient courage to deny or denounce any of our allegations.