Hide and Seek As Played By Multi-Million and Multi-Billion-Dollar Corporations
Throughout the past few days, every one of the criminals and collaborators who have been exposed through our fully supported reporting have conspicuously all suddenly stopped reviewing updates on this website. Apparently, once again, they are falling back on the repeatedly tried and consistently failed tactic of hiding under the covers like children trying to evade the monsters of their own creation by believing that 'If I can't see you, you can't see me.'
This 'tactic' of denial has been tried many times, and two years later we are still here, stronger than ever.
What these 'financial professionals' do not seem to perceive is that their denial does not stop others finding and reading the reports on our website or viewing the videos and learning the truth. It also does not stop them seeing our headlines and video titles in the search engine results, which we are told cause most potential victims to simply steer clear of these cowardly corrupt corporations. People understand that multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations that have done no wrong do not hide from a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise community media service that donates all its services to charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups, and which was nominated and voted to the highest levels by the City of Barrie business community for an award for altruism.

Self-inflicted denial is not the best tactic when thousands of potential clients are learning who you really are.
Although our reporting is about the corrupt corporations, the reason for our story is not, and we frankly don't care if they want to wallow in denial while losing clients who learn the truth about their lack of ethics.
Most people know about the seven phases of grief: shock and denial, pain and guilt, anger and bargaining, depression, the upward turn, reconstruction and working through, leading to acceptance and hope. Well, during the past two years of reporting on this story, we have seen many of these phases of realization, as the evidence of the indictable offence of usury and criminal levels of corporate collaboration have reached more people, who then told us how they steered away from the loan sharking brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station, and their allies in criminal collusion at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank.
The most frequent state of mind has been denial, which is where they seem to be once again, but we have also seen anger and a little bit of bargaining.
More than six months ago, while hiding behind the persona of an 'anonymous' agent, David Flude, the Principal Broker at Verico the Mortgage Station, tried and failed to intimidate us through the 'threat' of a contemptuous Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit despite that the Supreme Court of Canada has essentially banned the use of such abusive litigation that has been used unethically as a tool of bullying and intimidation by corporations and wealthy individuals to scare off media and others from exposing the wrong doing of those powerful and well-connected people. If you read the transparent and vacuous attempt at intimidation, the threats are obvious, but there is also a lot of bargaining, like an attempt to protect the loan shark, Renee Dadswell, and her accomplice Lisa Purchase from having to testify under oath against the tangible evidence in a court of law where a judgement would be made based on the evidence and nothing else. Also, in an email dated June 9, 2022, David Flude tried somewhat lamely to justify the criminal activity of his brokers who charged more than 198% interest on a short-term bridge loan, when these 'financial professionals' who specialize in loans and mortgages would know that the legal limit under even the worst of circumstances peaked at 60 percent. The head of Verico the Mortgage Station also refused via email to acknowledge his self-identified 'regulatory requirement' to meet with his client to discuss the crime. Below is a comparison of what David Flude, the self-serving Principal Broker at Verico the Mortgage Station, said about the crime of loan sharking, compared to the law as dictated by the Criminal Code of Canada.
"3) This short term loan provided to assist you in making your previous mortgage payment obligation, in my opinion was a generous and helpful deal."
Criminal Code of Canada, Section 347 - Usury (Loan Sharking)
347 (1) Despite any other Act of Parliament, every one who enters into an agreement or arrangement to receive interest at a criminal rate, or receives a payment or partial payment of interest at a criminal rate, is:
- guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or
- guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and liable to a fine of not more than $25,000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day, or to both.
There is little doubt as to why the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station are hiding, but why are the much more powerful and easily harmed team at HomeEquity Bank following them like lemmings to the cliff?
As is consistent with narcissistic thinking, the cowardly brokers, branders, and bankers will not speak with our Producer , who was defrauded by the brokers through loan sharking, and they will not challenge our allegations or evidence in a court of law. So now, with nowhere else to go, they have apparently returned to the self-delusion that if they don't follow our story, neither will anybody else, and we will just magically 'go away' due to their chronic and delusional denial of reality and an over-inflated sense of self-importance. Well, they can believe as they wish while we continue to warn hundreds of thousands of vulnerable potential victims who could be defrauded by these brokers or associates working under the Verico banner, and then be cast aside like garbage by those who profess to be very concerned about abuses but who do nothing about them when a complaint is filed.
These supposed 'ethical financial professionals' can all play hide and seek to their heart's content, while we continue to warn every possible victim of the proven threat of loan sharking and Fraudulent Concealment.
Last week, our Producer , an internationally experienced journalist and producer of documentaries, a senior, veteran, highly respected philanthropist, and a client of Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., and HomeEquity Bank, sent a follow up letter to Katherine Dudtschak, the newly appointed President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank, who had chosen to ignore his introductory letter sent about a month earlier. When he sent those emails, our Producer carbon copied contacts at every lender that is known to do business with the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station. That resulted in an immediate influx of hundreds of previously untagged visitors, meaning that while some had not reviewed our story in the past, this time, virtually all of them did.
Those competing financial professionals felt no need to hide, as they downloaded both letters, so why are the bankers at HomeEquity Bank so eager to dive for cover and dig down to find shelter from the light?
The decision to hide from their reality is self-destructive and very revealing, so we say have at it and keep it up. The order to ignore most likely came from the management team or board of directors of Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), the quarter-trillion-dollar, multi-tentacled, international, economic empire that owns the HomeEquity Bank, that happily profits from genocide, as a weapons manufacture in which they have invested is reported to be selling their methods of mass murder to Israel so they can slaughter the women and children of Palestine.
That decision, and several other ethically questionable investments, have many of the teachers who have financed the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) calling for the resignation of the Board of Directors.
We do not care about the Goliathan difference between these multi-million, multi-billion, and quarter-trillion-dollar corporations compared to our miniscule by comparison, not-for-profit, social enterprise, charitable, community media service. Nor does it matter how many lawyers they have, as clearly, they are terrified by the idea of utilizing their legal muscle in any half-cocked, lame attempt to silence the reality of their criminal and ethical offences, and from our visitor stats, it appears that David Flude has tried to hire every lawyer who seemed likely to accept his retainer, and they all apparently turned him down.
What kind of multi-million-dollar corporation has to write their own threat of civil action, and then go on a scavenger hunt across two provinces and into the United States in convince a lawyer to take their retainer?
We are sure that finding a lawyer to take this case is difficult, as we have done nothing throughout the past two full years but report the truth, offer opinion, and openly speculate; all of which are protected by Section 2B of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It would also be revealed through any trial, based solely on the evidence, that the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station committed the indictable offence of usury, or loan sharking, that brings with it upon conviction a prison sentence of up to five years in prison, and then tried to evade investigation before somehow convincing the management team of Verico Financial Group Inc. and board of directors, or at least the then President and CEO, at HomeEquity Bank to help them evade responsibility for their criminal and ethical violations of public trust.
That might be awkward for Katherine Dudtschak, the new President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank, who would be subpoenaed to testify in court under oath as to why her corporation ignored a fully supported claim of loan sharking, made by a senior who was signing up for their often controversial CHIP Reverse Mortgage.
Then, of course, we would dip into the 'investigation' by detectives of the South Simcoe Police Service who chose first to ignore the evidence, that then proved to be so damning that the they chose without cause to omit what the court would see is vital evidence, and then to falsify figures so the 'motivated' detectives and senior brass could cut a pass to the wealthy brokers on an indictable offence that upon conviction warrants a prison sentence of up to five years.
We are pretty sure that the South Simcoe Police Service does not want the court hearing all those details, and they are likely suggesting that the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station not forget the favour.
All of these factors contribute to why none of these multi-million, multi-billion, or quarter-trillion-dollar corporations have taken any action to silence us from telling the truth, no matter how damaging our stories have become to their brands and images or how much profit has been lost as a result. All of this could have been avoided if after we had been defrauded by two of the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, any one of these three supposedly ethical but clearly corrupt corporations had taken appropriate action instead of refusing multiple requests to meet to initiate an investigation. They evidently believed, wrongly, that our Producer would just give up and go away, and when he didn't, that is when they thought they could scare us off with vacuous and lame threats of abusive court scorned bullying motivated litigation, which did not work, and was never filed in any court of law where evidence is all that matters. Now, all they seem to have available to them is self-deluding denial and an unanswered prayer asking that if they are not reading our articles and watching our videos, neither will anybody else. Good luck with that 😉
We are the victims of corporate fraud and negligence, and we are the only ones who are not hiding, who have no reason to fear reprisal for our fully supported allegations, and who do not fear standing before an honourable Justice of the Superior Court to argue the validity of our claims based solely on the evidence.