This Story of Loan Sharking and Deception is Simply Not Going Anywhere - Verico the Mortgage Station
As we noted yesterday, David Flude and the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, along with their allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank seemed to be working under the impression that if they hide from reality we will go away. Apparently, last night they changed their tactics, once again, as although they will likely claim they are not working together, representatives of two out of the three main collaborating corporations suddenly dropped by last night, one quite late.
Then we had multiple hidden visitors overnight, evidently playing catch-up of what they missed.
We have no reason to stop reporting on this story, and we won't be doing so. The brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station have not conceded their guilt or even offered to return the remainder of the money they stole by usury and deliberate deception. Verico Financial Group Inc. has also not accepted responsibility for their negligence and lack of professional care for their clients. Although new to this story, Katherine Dudtschak, the new President and CEO of HomeEquity Bank has twice ignored our correspondence and her responsibility to this abuse of the law and ethics by a brokerage we have no reason to believe her bank has taken any action against. Then of course there is the growing budget that will ensure we get to present our expose documentary to all of Canada, and indeed the world, through broadcast television and streaming services.

We might soon by camping out with a few friends on the front porch of Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., and HomeEquity Bank, seeking comment from employees and clients, while protesting their corporate ethics.
These corrupt corporations stole from us, or they helped to cover it up, and they have never shown the ethics or the respect due to their client, a senior and veteran, when they should have corrected their 'mistakes'.
Finally, nobody has addressed the issue of the harm caused by their actions to our not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service that has donated more than $700,000.00 in professional production services through the gifting of more than 350 fundraising and community awareness videos to greater than 180 charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups. All they seem capable of doing is projecting us as villains for having exposed what they did to defraud us and defund the charities of our community. This was best demonstrated through David Flude's 'anonymous' threat of civil action that he never filed with any court because he knew his claims of libel and slander had no merit. He chose to ignore his brokers committing usury, and we reported the truth of their criminal activities and his negligence. That is NOT slander or libel, but is simply reporting the facts, as is protected by Section 2B of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. That is also most likely why it seems that the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station are unable to retain legal counsel, as most lawyers are repelled by accepting a retainer to undertake unethical abuses of our civil court system.
We know public support is behind us, as the list of contacts offering to help is growing rapidly.
On July 10, 2024, on this Latest Updates page, we posted a story called "Support From Very Unexpected Places". In it, we reported how a woman, who described herself as being a 'senior member of a large local Parish' that we learned represented quite a few interlinked churches in various towns and cities, had reached out offering support. She had found our story and wanted to support our various charitable causes, and she proposed to make a personal donation to help maintain our services, which she described as being smiled upon by God. This morning, she wrote again to let us know she had sent a donation, and that she had 'easily convinced' the board of her Parish to conduct a mass fundraiser, with our various not-for-profit community services listed as the beneficiary. Not only is this gesture expected to raise tens of thousands of dollars to support our efforts to provide a leg up program to help those in the greatest of need, but it will also greatly expand our reach both locally and provincially to many people of influence and wealth, as the website of will be included within the supporting documentation that will be viewed by a large percentage of the parish congregation. We are hoping to attract the attention of civil rights advocates, lawyers, and experts in human rights, or people who know professionals who work in those fields who might see the actions of these corrupt corporations as being a little bit less than what Jesus would do.
These corporate crooks can continue to wallow in denial for as long as they like, but this story is reaching more people every day, and at a time when most people have few nice things to say about corporations.