Motivating Members of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP)
Our primary studio.

Verico the Mortgage Station

Loan Sharks Defrauding Seniors in Simcoe County Now Hiding Behind a Wall of Lies and Deception.

A documentary in production for broadcast and streaming

Five Points Media is a provincially registered media company and community channel.
Studio: 705-828-5605 ~ Production: 416-996-2786 ~ Email

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Our reports and evidence remain 100% uncontested by any identified person.

This 'threat' was sent by an anonymous coward who feared signing their own name.

Why is the HomeEquity Bank, an asset of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), valued at more than $247.5B, working with loan shark mortgage brokers who prey on seniors and veterans, while draining the resources of local charities, and why are they afraid to challenge the evidence and allegations of a small not-for-profit?


  1. Our articles have been online throughout the time shown above; however, we have not received a single challenge to our fully-supported alllegations.
  2. All three brokers who are key to this documentary, David Flude, Lisa Purchase, and Renee Dadswell, have admitted in writing to our allegations.
  3. We have made multiple offers for the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station and their various corporate allies to explain their side of the story.
  4. Despite our multiple offers of détente, not a single representatives of any of these multi-million and multi-billon dollar companies has stepped up.
  5. We have offerred to cancel this documentary, and to delete all articles and videos, if any of the accused can disprove our claims on camera using evidence.
  6. So far, none of them have shown the courage to stand up and disprove our claims, meaning all of our allegations remain 100 per cent uncontested.
  7. These purportedly 'legitimate' companies, who secretly lie to their clients about us, appear so afraid of our evidence they will not challenge our allegations.
  8. If we were not factual in our reporting, any of those corporations could have attained a cease and desist order or other injunctive relief against us.
  9. Instead, all these wealthy corporations seem willing or able to do is hide in the dark and hope that their clients do not learn the truth.
  10. So far, 97% of comments made online or through emails, direct messaging, etc. have been supportive of our exposure of these criminal acts.
  11. The South Simcoe Police Service is subject to pending investigation after omitting evidence and falsify figures to help the wealthy brokers.
  12. The Producer is 35-year media veteran who has worked as an international television news in places like Bosnia and the Middle East, and as the Deputy Editor of a national European newspaper owned by the Washington Times.
  13. The Producer has also passed on that knowledge and experience by teaching at three community and private colleges in Ontario and British Columbia.
  14. The Producer and crew of this expose documentary represent a not-for-profit community channel that since 2014 has donated more than $700,000.00 worth of services to more than 185 local charities, not-for-profits, benevolent special interests groups, and the towns and villages of Simcoe County.
  15. In 2020, at the height of the pandemic, the Producer and crew were nominated for and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism presented by the City of Barrie and the Greater Barrie Chamber of Commerce.

Motivating Members of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP)

Yesterday, our Producer , a well-known and highly respected philanthropist within our community, met with a long-term friend who, after close to thirty years of service had retired this year from teaching. Our friend had worked with our crew on several charitable community projects before the pandemic. The friend, who we will not in any way identify, is also what David Flude would fraudulently describe as an 'agitator', as sometimes when you are helping those in the greatest need, you have to rock the boat of complacency. Each collaboration resulted in successfully raising awareness and funds for various charitable and community organizations, and our friend has continued to follow our work. That loyalty includes the story of loan sharking by the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and the coverup attempts by Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank.

That was when our friend connected the dots to the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP).

On July 4, 2022, the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), acquired HomeEquity Bank. That 5.7 billon dollar asset, HOMEQ Corporation ("HomeQ"), the parent company of HomeEquity Bank, transferred from Birch Hill Equity Partners Management Inc. ("Birch Hill"). Not surprisingly, the HomeEquity Bank, is only a drop in the bucket of the OTPP's reported net assets of C$241.6 billion.

It seems that the board of directors at the next Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) could be playing to a tough crowd.

It seems that the board of directors at the next Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) could be playing to a tough crowd.

So, the mega-corporation has almost a quarter trillion dollars in assets, but is still afraid to face our evidence.

Regardless of having access to that massive amount of economic power, the board of directors of HomeEquity Bank continue to be afraid to challenge in a court of law the allegations and evidence of a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise, community media service that donates all services to local charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups. Our friend could see as easily as we could that the HomeEquity Bank was hiding from us by refusing to meet, that they had been negligent and complacent in their handling of fraud being committed against their client by a third party, and that they were outright ignoring the "Code of Conduct for the Delivery of Banking Services to Seniors"that the HomeEquity Bank claims to adhere to on their website. Those regulations are intended to mandate protections for retired persons, like our Producer and his friend, who offered a unique way to help, by burrowing out with the truth from inside the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP).

Our friend proposed some fifth column activism, by initiating a fact-based campaign reported by a member, reaching out to as many other members as possible, many of whom would then share it with others.

All members of the OTPP are either retired or investing in their retirement. So, for them, this is personal. Also, all teachers, other than maybe some in shop classes, are required to have a degree or more than one, and they are, generally speaking, more aware of the world around them. They are the ones who support Pride, or who work to assist sick children, or support Indigenous rights, and march in support of Black Lives Matter. We know this because teachers make up almost a majority of those we meet when producing our fully donated charity and community videos. They also have a lot of spare time on their hands for two full months of the year, and our friend seemed quite confident that they could wrangle a few fellow educators to join in our planned picket protests at Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., HomeEquity Bank, and the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA).

Simply put, the vast majority of teachers are "woke" and politically and socially active.

Our friend is a social butterfly, in the best possible way, and on April 18, 2024, in the hallways and from within the social gatherings associated with the Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), they met with hundreds of members who quite happily signed a petition regarding an unrelated social issue. Our friend then went home, scanned in the details, and confirming all email addresses through a thank you reply.

We received the complete list this morning, but we won't be using it, at least not immediately.

As can be seen in this video, recorded during the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), teachers are passionate and caring people.

As can be seen in this video, recorded during the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), teachers are passionate and caring people. This participant was challenging the decision by the board of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) to divest into the manufacture of weapons that are allegedly being used by Israel against mostly women, children, and other non-combatants who are being murdered en masse in Palestine. Some details can be found in the article "No Profits from Palestinian Death" and "Ontario Teachers and Retirees Demand Divestment from Israeli War Machine."

Moral ambiguity in favour of profit, regardless of the ethical quandaries, appears to be corporate policy.

Our friend is very much part of the movement to clean up the ethics of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), and our story is exactly what they need. Combining their numbers and zeal with our production facilities and newly acquired tools for search engine optimization could raise more than enough attention regarding both issues that the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) would be forced to change its ways and start to act ethically, regardless of how much it costs them.

Two years ago, we knew nothing about this, and did not even know that the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan was buying HomeEquity Bank, so imagine what we will be sharing with the world in six months, or another year.

We also chatted with our friend about how the HomeEquity Bank is blatantly and openly ignoring the rules of the Code of Conduct for the Delivery of Banking Services to Seniors that they signed voluntarily under the pretense they will abide by it" as is fraudulently stated on their website."

The Promises

  1. Establish and implement appropriate policies, procedures, and processes to support the Code.
  2. Communicate effectively with seniors.

  3. Provide appropriate training to our employees who serve seniors.

  4. Make appropriate resources available to customer-facing employees and representatives to help them better understand the banking needs of seniors.
  5. Endeavour to mitigate potential financial harm to seniors.
  6. Take into account market demographics and the needs of seniors when proceeding with branch closures.
  7. Publicly disclose the steps we have taken to support the principles set out in the Code.

The Reality

  1. Ignore fully supported claims of criminal conduct by third party brokers selling the CHIP Reverse Mortgage on behalf of the HomeEquity Bank.
  2. Ignore all requests for an investigation, shut out the complainant, and conspire with loan sharks to conceal the crimes.
  3. Instruct staff to ignore reports of criminal activity and abandon the victim to rely on their own support system if any.
  4. Actively assist in concealing crime by refusing to investigate indictable offences committed by third party agents working on behalf of HomeEquity Bank, selling the CHIP Reverse Mortgage.
  5. Ignore crimes being committed against seniors and veterans.
  6. N/A

  7. Ignore the crimes and evidence, refuse to investigate, and pander to the whims of unscrupulous loan sharks who have refused to meet, threatened and then abandoned unethical forms of civil action, and who violated several 'regulatory requirements' of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) that like this code, are supposed to be assuring the financial security of seniors.

Our friend will now be sending a heavily link-encoded email, written by us, to all of the colleagues who signed the petition at the Annual General Meeting of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), which will include a request that they share our fully supported claims with every member of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), they know, along with a request that they then do likewise. We also noticed that the article at "No Profits from Palestinian Death" includes a very convenient form by which we can contact the leaders of the campaign against divestment of their retirement funds to weapons creation for Israeli forces to slaughter innocent women and children in Palestine.

We believe David Flude, the Principal Broker at Verico Financial Group Inc., truly wishes that he could hop in a Delorian, go back two years, and resolve his 'mistakes' that are now being paid for by far too many people.

Our fully functional kitchen set.