Failing and Falling: Verico the Mortgage Station - Simcoe County mortgage brokers - Loan Sharking, Manipulation, and a Pathological Level of Deception - A documentary for broadcast and streaming
Verico the Mortgage Station
Loan Sharks Defrauding Seniors in Simcoe County Now Hiding Behind a Wall of Lies and Deception.
A documentary in production for broadcast and streaming
Five Points Media is a provincially registered media company and community channel.
Then, there is the never-ending reality of time, which is relentless, uncontrollable, and undefiable.
We must conclude that the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station are wallowing in denial and that they are trying to convince themselves that our ongoing reporting about their criminal abuses is not affecting their business. However, by their own repeated admissions, the truth is quite the opposite, and the effect of true reporting and evidence is growing. If they took off the blinders, the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies W. Mark Squire, President and Chief Operating Officer, Verico Financial Group Inc. and Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher, Executive Vice President Marketing and Sales of HomeEquity Bank would see that since we moved our reports and videos from the Five Points Media website to here, at at the beginning of the year, we have seen a dramatic increase in general and specific interest traffic than even we predicted.
It makes sense when considering this website is specifically targeted to a specific subject.
They don't know how many families have learned the truth about fraud being committed against seniors through usury by the brokers, and how management lies as easily as most people breathe.
According to real estate statistics, the average mortgage in Ontario for first-time buyers is around $425,000.00. The average commission that a broker earns is between 0.5% and 1.2% of the total mortgage amount. So, for purposes of simplifying the math, we will average that to 0.8%. That means each mortgage sold is worth to the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station approximately $3,400.00. Verico the Mortgage Station claims sales of $6,000.000.00, meaning they sell approximately 1765 mortgages per year. So, if we go with the lower number for lost opportunities, eight losses per week would represent 416 mortgage sales per year which represents 23.57% of sales, or $1,414,200.00 in commissions.
That, by anybody's standard, is a lot of money to lose just to avoid having to testify in court or present your evidence on camera, unless of course, you are guilty of the allegations, and potentially more.
What David Flude, his brokers, and their allies seem to forget is that we have undertaken investigative reports like this in the past, and in both cases, not only did we succeed in defending our right to Freedom of the Press, but the perpetrators of the crimes lost in a humiliating fashion when they attempted to abuse the purpose of civil ligitation and the authority of the criminal justice system to silence us. We did not back down, as we did nothing wrong, and when their unsupported claims and false evidence were challenged before a Judge or Justice they both lost their businesses, destroyed their proffessional reputations, in one case lost their home, and obliterated pretty much one hundred per cent of their once prominent status within their profession.
In both cases, it reached a point when people just realized that all of the huff, puff, and bluff had no substance, and there was no way the con-artists could be telling the truth.
Initially, their colleagues, their clients, and even their competitors believed that the perpetrators were the victims. However, over time, as evidence was revealed through our reporting, it became clear that neither of the multi-million-dollar companies were able to prove their claims. That is when those loyal supporters started falling off, one after another in drips and drabs until the owners stood alone and could no longer finance their business. You need to look no further than Donald Trump to see this pattern in living colour, as he was once the golden boy of New York, and now he can't open a hotdog stand in that city, even after paying three hundred and fifty million dollars for fraud.
It does not matter who you are, or who you think you are, time and exposure to the facts and evidence are the greatest levelers of the arrogant.
We have been telling this story for as long as the number of days noted below without any of our allegations being contested by the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station or their allies.
Our reports and evidence remain 100% uncontested by any identified person.
Most people understand that it is only the guilty who lie and hide, which is why so many have told us how, based on our reports, they chose a less notorious and more trustworthy broker to meet their mortgage needs.
Why would we knuckle under to anonymous, vacuous threats from loan sharks who are hiding from our reporting, the evidence, and the truth, and who are too cheap or are incapable of hiring a lawyer?
As per the smaller counter, we are waiting for action of any kind, by any person, under any pretence, based on whatever lies they want to use to support an unethical abuse of civil court, intended only to silence the truth.
Why would these mega-rich businesses lack the testicular fortitude to challenge a small not-for-profit community service unless they know we are telling the truth?
None of their claims or 'defenses' make any sense, and everybody can see it.
The brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station and their allies W. Mark Squire, President and Chief Operating Officer, Verico Financial Group Inc. and Yvonne Ziomecki-Fisher, Executive Vice President Marketing and Sales of HomeEquity Bank are of course free to hide for as long as they wish. However, time stops for nobody, and telling the truth costs us nothing. The ongoing strategy of hiding costs the brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station thousands of dollars a day in lost opportunities they do not even learn about, as more people are finding our reporting and coming to their own conclusions based on the evidence without even calling them.
People see that we are an established benvolent not-for-profit that has been nominated for and voted to the highest level for an award for altruism, so we have no motive other than to warn potential victims.