HomeEquity Bank - Former Employees Describe It As A Horrible Experience
We know that there are disgruntled ex-employees at every business, and especially so at huge corporations. However, to be fair, we looked at a few review sites, and in the case of HomeEquity Bank, the ONLY good reviews we found were by currently active managers. From what we read of EVERY former employee; it is little wonder that those who want to continue working there are saying nice things.
Former employees described a metaphorical Dickensian sweat shop of unreasonable demands.
We have been in direct contact with about a dozen former employees of this Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank, both staff and management. So far, about half of them have chatted with us or have agreed to speak with us on camera without any attempt to disguise who they are. Three others have also said yes, but they all insisted on digitally generated anonymity. Wherever possible, we will be posting our own 'review' on each of those employer assessment pages, which is perfectly legal, but we will be inviting those who worked for the HomeEquity Bank to drop us a line so we can learn from them and they from us. We feel it is likely that some of those former employees have outstanding claims against what we hope is the only bank in Canada that supports loan sharks, and we want to help in any way we can. We have a lot of research to offer.

Former managers describe a modern-day Dickensian sweat shop where salespeople pushing the CHIP Reverse Mortgage are pitted against each other and the winner keeps their job.
We found some of those former employees and ex-management through research, while others found us through Google, where our reporting now ranks higher than the propaganda of the billion-dollar-corporation.
On July 16, 2023, we discussed in a written report and through a video how HomeEquity Bank appeared to be "Shaking Down Seniors in Innisfil". More than a year later, those claims remain uncontested by either the loan sharking brokers at Verico the Mortgage Station or their collaborators at HomeEquity Bank.
In fact, so far, the only action taken by the Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank was to attempt, unsuccessfully, to censor the truth through an abusive and legally unsupported method of censorship. Details can be found in our article and video at "HomeEquity Bank Turns To Censorship - Far Too Little, and Much Too Late."
Attempting to suppress the truth through unethical means, rather than defending your actions, is hardly a good look for a company that sells one product, and only to potentially vulnerable seniors.
In the first video, featured above, we discussed how the HomeEquity Bank appears to have invested considerable time and resources in manufacturing the façade of a corporate culture in which clients are protected, employees are respected, and the corporation cares about its community. On their homepage, HomeEquity Bank states:
"As a Schedule 1 bank, we prioritize your security and comfort."The HomeEquity Bank, now operating under a second CEO and President, has gone out of its way to defend wrongfully entrusted mortgage brokers who have never contested they defrauded a senior, veteran, and philanthropist through loan sharking. In fact, David Flude, the Principal Broker and believed owner of Verico the Mortgage Station has not only admitted to the offence, but has tried to justify one of his brokers, Renee Dadswell, charging 198.25% on short-term bridge financing, even though as a licensed professional expert in lending, he would absolutely know that usury, or loan sharking, is an indictable offence under section 347 of the Criminal Code of Canada, and is punishable upon conviction by a prison term of up to five years.
These are provincially licensed mortgage brokers, being protected by a Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank that should not only be walking away but pushing for charges as it was their client who was defrauded.
Also, not a single identifiable person representing the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, or the management team of HomeEquity Bank, have ever contested that as a result of that fraud, and the scam used to ensure its success, their actions brought significant harm to every charity, not-for-profit, and benevolent community group in Simcoe County. As is confirmed by the reviews posted online by former employees, that due to our reporting, people will no longer need to look for in the catacombs of page ten of the Google results, the HomeEquity Bank have perpetuated their denial and unethical conduct solely to perpetuate profits. Within their corporate propaganda, the HomeEquity Bank makes grandiose claims about community support and inspiring employees to support charities, but according to former employees and managers, all of whom reported independently, those claims add up to allowing their employees ONE day off per year to volunteer or assist a charity. That is frankly embarrassing when looking at our track record of community support.
Every day at Five Points Media, our crew assists our community, as demonstrated by 350+ videos, valued at about $700,000.00, donated to more than 185 local charities, not-for-profits, and benevolent community groups.
Within their online propaganda, the HomeEquity Bank makes multiple self-ingratiating claims about their Corporate Culture that appear to have no substance, and which are directly contradicted by every non-current employee review we found.
"We provide challenging and rewarding careers in a wide variety of fields. We continuously develop and train our employees through professional growth opportunities and hands-on experience. Employees are encouraged to develop professionally and personally though a series programs including our Educational Assistance Program, designed to reimburse costs related to professional learning and development, unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning courses and our Leading@HEB pathway for leaders."
"We believe in an environment that celebrates success, knowledge, leadership, and work that is inspired by our core values. For these reasons, recognition is an important part of our culture and we have several ways that make it easy for our employees to say 'great job' to their colleagues and leaders."
In the reviews found at Indeed, a reputable employment page, two different former members of management had quite a different story to tell, and although independent of each other were very corroborating.
HomeEquity Bank Former Management Review #1 - One star out of five
Horrible Experience
Business Development Manager (Former Employee) - Team West - February 24, 2021
The most useful review selected by Indeed
If you are not a "yes" man, keep scrolling through Indeed for a better opportunity. Your opionion does not matter to HEB and heaven forbid if you can think for yourself.
Sales teams are pitted against one another, which is horrible. There is absolutely no loyalty towards experienced BDM's. Have seen some fantastic talent discarded like the trash in recent years.
This bank wants unrealistic numbers from you. They DO NOT understand the prarie markets. Plan to have no life for yourself as the hours are grueling trying to make quotas and bring a decent commission home.
HEB goes through sales people in droves. There is always a job posting in order to remind current sales people that they can easily be replaced.
Cons: Poor Management
HomeEquity Bank Former Management Review #2 - One star out of five
High turnover due to unrealistic expectations and management
Business Development Manager (Former Employee) - Team West - July 11, 2019
I have never seen a company with such extremely high turn over rates. This stems from the fact that this company only has one product which consumers can access through a couple of different channels. Management actually pits these channels against each other in an ill fated attempt to meet completely unrealistic expectations.
Sales meetings and communication is fraught with veiled threats and constant put downs. Morale amongst the sales team is very low but the culture is such that honesty about it is classed as negativity and the offended parties, no matter how well intentioned, are removed from the company.
The positives about this company are what is usually obvious in cases like this where the culture is dictated rather than grown from sound management skills, most of the the sales team is as supportive as possible amongst themselves.
If you are looking for high stress, low morale, short term employment, this would be right up your alley in my experience. I highly recommend you talk to someone who has worked there previously before accepting a position, there are certainly plenty of us around.
Pros: The ability to assist the end user is a very rewarding feeling.
Cons: All three levels of management.
The fact that the second reviewer went out of their way to state the only 'pro' as being "The ability to assist the end user is a very rewarding feeling" says a lot about their character and credibility. That professional seemed to genuinely care about the especially vulnerable seniors they were helping, which definitely seems to be out of line with our experience dealing with management at the HomeEquity Bank, who have ignored one letter after another sent by their client, our Producer, in which he asked for help in dealing with loan shark brokers who while selling to him a CHIP Reverse Mortgage drained the resources of a charitable organization that during the height of the pandemic was nominated and voted to the highest levels for an award for altruism, presented by the City of Barrie and the Chamber of Commerce.
Beware of the wolf cloaked in sheepskin as their image may be clean but their true intent is dark and sinister.
In that review, by a former 'Business Development Manager', the writer noted an interesting sub-structure to the Corporate Culture of HomeEquity Bank, stating: "Morale amongst the sales team is very low but the culture is such that honesty about it is classed as negativity and the offended parties, no matter how well intentioned, are removed from the company." Of course, we cannot say that this statement is true, at least not until the on-camera interview when supporting evidence will be presented. However, the attitude is in line with our experience dealing with HomeEquity Bank, which we have found to be a bullying, arrogant, self-absorbed corporation that appears to believe they are above the law, and answerable to nobody. The truth of their vulnerability would appear to be why, for more than two years, this multi-billion-dollar Schedule 1 Canadian Chartered Bank has refused repeated requests to challenge our allegations, as made by our team, a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise that donates all services to every local charity, not-for-profit, and benevolent community group that asks, and which has a hard-earned reputation for taking on corruption and abuse of power both through the media and when corrupt corporations abuse the purpose and intent of the law. That would appear to explain why the management team of the HomeEquity Bank will not challenge our evidence, either through an on-camera interview or in a court of law. Both options will represent a fair assessment of the facts, based on the tangible evidence, presented on a level field of play, which is the last thing they seem to believe is applicable to their high and mighty corporation.
As we were told by the manager of a Big Five bank, ethical professionals do not hide for more than two years from fully supported claims of criminal activity, but instead, they take the issue by the horns and resolve it.
We will be sharing many more of these employee and management reviews by the former employers at HomeEquity Bank, with special attention to the Search Engine Optimization to ensure they rank loud and proud on Google and the other search engines, as is the case now with all our content both old and new. The various reviews we have read all substantiate our opinion of the HomeEquity Bank, and given the way that Katherine Dudtschak has so unprofessionally and unethically treated our concerns by ignoring criminal activity by the brokers who sell her product to especially vulnerable seniors, we want every good person who might be considering joining the team at HomeEquity Bank to know the truth about the corrupt corporation before they make any leap of faith to join their team.
The HomeEquity Bank collaborated with loan sharks who target especially vulnerable seniors, who drained the resources of a charitable community service that has helped hundreds of thousands of people, so it is only right that we help others to see past the corporate culture smokescreen to see who they really are.