Desperate Triad Resorts Again To Censorship
It is appropriate that tomorrow is Halloween, because it certainly looks like somebody at Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc. or HomeEquity Bank is acting very creepy. We know that they don't want you, their prospective client, seeing or hearing about the criminal and ethical abuses of trust they committed, and they sure don't want us speaking about it, and rather than standing up and defending the 'good name' of their businesses, somebody is once again trying to CENSOR the truth to prevent you from being forewarned.
In response, we are spreading the truth over a much larger canvas, to reach more potential victims.
No identifiable representative of Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc., or HomeEquity Bank has ever denied or denounced any of the claims made in our reporting throughout the past nearly two and a half years. All they have managed to do is hide for more than two years, lie six times in two emails (1) (2) to evade investigation by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA), and vacuously threaten us from anonymity with a reprehensible Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) lawsuit, that has been reviled by the Supreme Court as an abuse of litigation, and then fail to file the claim after we retorted their whining and crying with tangible evidence.

They don't want you, their prospective client, seeing or hearing about their criminal and ethical abuses of trust, and they sure don't want us speaking about it.
Now, instead of countering our claims in an ethical manner, it appears that somebody from the triad of fraud has hired a hacker to reduce our footprint on Google and the other search engines, forcing us to respond.
There is an ethical way to delist rogue and libelous websites from search engine databases, but to garner the assistance of those companies, which need to be seen as being both ethical and fair, the applicant must show official confirmation of their claims, like a court judgement of libel, to confirm they have been defamed. Of course, no such order exists because we are telling the truth and backing our claims with evidence, and the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, the management team of Verico Financial Group Inc., and the board of directors of HomeEquity Bank are all justifiably fearful of challenging what we had on them two years ago, and even more so now when considering what we have learned from former employees and fellow unhappy clients who found our story.
This is not the first time that one of these companies has resorted to censorship, as we exposed HomeEquity Bank for boldface lying to Facebook about 'copyright violations' that do not apply to media in Canada.
More than a year ago, on July 23, 2023, we reported how HomeEquity Bank had filed a claim of copyright violations with Facebook that were ultimately deemed by that massive corporation to be without merit, or deceptive. On blind faith alone, Facebook deleted four of our posts based on the allegations made by HomeEquity Bank, which can be seen in that original post. However, when we relayed to them the full truth, backed with evidence, the decision makers of that legally and socially accountable mega-corporation saw the facts very differently and allowed us to repost the same content without restriction. They have also never again listened to any challenge of our content after receiving the evidence from us that disproved the false claims made by the HomeEquity Bank. As part of our response, we noted the following about copyright law in Canada:
"The fair dealing exception in the Copyright Act allows you to use other people's copyright material for the purpose of research, private study, criticism, review, news reporting, education, satire or parody provided that what you do with the work is "fair". Whether something is "fair" will depend on the circumstances."
We sent an email to the Vice President of Communications at HomeEquity Bank asking for details of their claim of copyright violation(s), but nobody replied, nor ever again contested our future freedom of expression.
When the search engines say no to censorship, the unethical, like the subjects of our documentary who are being exposed for criminal and ethical breaches of trust, turn to unsavoury information brokers, or hackers, who know how to bypass some of the safeguards of their target databases. Alternatively, they retain ethically questionable law firms that huff, puff, and bluff at the content screeners, usually to no avail. Of course we are guessing, but we have reason to suspect that the hacker option is being used in this case to lessen the bang of our content on the search utilities. Regardless, neither of these unethical paths to concealment are cheap, and the apparent need to sink to this level, rather than proving the inaccuracy of our claims in a court of law, just screams of desperation, which is pathetic when considering their side is comprised of multi-million and multi-billion-dollar corporations, and we are a small, not-for-profit, social enterprise community media service that donates all services to any charity, not-for-profit, or benevolent community group that asks for our help.
Our response is assertive, and the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, and their apparently former allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank, are not going to like it.
- We have purchased ten new relevant domains under the name of a person not known to the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, and their apparently former allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank, and we will purchase as many others as is made necessary by their future actions.
- We are uploading our content in full to each of the new addresses and assigning each of them to our Search Engine Optimization service.
- Prior to doing so, we will ensure that every link on every page of the shared content forwards to the main website, so no matter what link the visitor hits, it brings them to the main domain. Thousands of inbound links from various domains to our main domain will also greatly increase its place on the search engines.
- Due to a recent update in our website design software, we can update multiple versions of the website at once and automatically sync the new content while we enjoy a cup of coffee or take our studio pups for a walk.
- We are completing all the pages named after every person discussed in our content, and we will be moving all links assigned to the perpetrating corporations to custom content pages on our website(s). This will greatly increase the number of direct references to each company, especially with multiple websites feeding the search engines.
- We are reaching out to the anonymous promoter who boosted our main website and providing them with the addresses of the new domains, that we are not providing to the public or to Verico the Mortgage Station, Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank. They will eventually find all ten domains when they search the details of their criminal and ethical abuses of trust, as will their potential clients whom we are actively protecting from the threat of fraud by usury, or loan sharking.
- We are creating new profiles on YouTube and on other online video services and will be posting all of our videos with tagging and written content on all of them. The videos do well on the search engines, so this will serve to increase our footprint dramatically, especially regarding to 'drive by' visits that convince at least 50% of visitors not to hire any of the three exposed corporations.
- We have reached out to five of the top search engines (the others feed off them) to advise them of the hack of their databases. In response, several have offered to restore our placement from four or eight weeks ago, because they don't like people playing with their content management. They are also now aware of the intrusion and are going to tag our domain to catch future attempts to censor the truth.
As the triad of fraud no longer appear to be a united front, it seems likely that this desperate and easily countered act was the work of just one corrupt corporation, which is likely not going to sit well with the others.
Our assertive response, that has been made necessary by the actions of the brokers of Verico the Mortgage Station, or maybe but not likely by their apparently former allies at Verico Financial Group Inc. and HomeEquity Bank, make it likely that this most recent deepest of dives into deception will cost them dearly. Currently, Verico the Mortgage Station is posting how they are losing brokers and agents on a near weekly basis, they are having to convert offices built for a planned expansion into apartments to generate cashflow, and their newly built, customized office space is for sale, being pitched as a potential multi residential rental property located in a hamlet of only 700 people.
Potential clients understand that legitimate multi-million and multi-billion-dollar financial corporations do not hide from claims that are not true, and they have no need to censor the truth if they have done no wrong.
As was noted in our story "Left Holding The Bag - HomeEquity Bank":
Using the updated number of twelve drive-by visits per week, and the same 50% ratio of lost opportunities, which is conservative, the HomeEquity Bank experiences a loss of opportunity, valued at $250,000.00 in potential income over a ten-year period, every time a visitor to this story chooses to buy into another option that is not a CHIP Reverse Mortgage. That adds up to $1,500,000.00 per week, or $78,000,000.00 per year. In the case of HomeEquity Bank, the lost sales, valued at $213,693.63 per day, are not restricted to those generated by Verico the Mortgage Station. People are frequently visiting our pages looking for information about HomeEquity Bank and the CHIP Reverse Mortgage, and they are coming from every province in Canada. That will only get worse when we launch our social media campaign focused on major population centres across the country. That will be launched soon, when the weather cools consistently, and more people are spending time on social media.
The quote "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" is credited to Albert Einstein, the greatest mind known, but these 'professionals' just keep going back to the old playbook, losing more opportunities, and any respect they have left, and any potential for future employment elsewhere.